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CCMP95-TP-039-1 中醫診斷規範化之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



The Standard Diagnostic Procedure in TCM

Chang, Hen-Hong
Chang Gung University
The main purpose of constructing the standard operational procedure for clinical evaluation in TCM is to improve the reliability of the diagnostic procedures. In our study, medical terminologies and operational procedures for clinical diagnosis will all be standardized to achieve this aim. Hopefully, our achievement will be helpful in improving the quality of clinical research and medical education in TCM. This project will be started with collection and analysis of the pertinent information (made available in the medical texts, journals, etc.). Expert meetings will be conducted, focusing on the four diagnosis in Chinese medicine. Specialists in fields such as clinical medicine, academic research and biostatistics, will all be invited to our discussion panels. Finally, results of analysis will be used to construct the standard operational procedure of diagnosis in TCM, which will then be tested for validity in clinical settings. Hopefully, this project will be helpful to the process of modernization in TCM research. Both sides of the Taiwan strait are the locus of the knowledge and clinic techniques of contemporary Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Yet, the definition and interpretation of some TCM diagnostic terms are different within as well as between Taiwan and China. It is the imperative responsibilities of the TCM clinicians in Taiwan to establish internationalized diagnostic models to provide patients an objective and scientific TCM services.
關鍵字:Qi-vacuity;Standard Operational procedure;Pattern;Diagnosis;common consensus;Delphi method