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CCMP98-RD-026 台灣常用藥用植物圖鑑英文版專書編修(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Editing of English Edition of “The Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” (2-1)

Tseng-Chieng Huang
From 1975~1994, Prof. Gan Wei-Song of China Medical University was authorized by Department of Health to conduct the survey of medicinal plant resources in 14 districts in Taiwan. From 1996, Dr. Hsieh Wen-Chun has further studied the distribution of Taiwan medicinal plants in 5 distritcs and Lan-Yu which also supported by Department of Health. In 2000, editing by Dr. Hsieh Wen-Chen, Committee of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy (CCMP) published “The Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” (VolumeⅠ-Ⅲ) which included the common 1200 kinds of medicinal plants in Taiwan. The Chinese name, morphology, Latin name, distribution, chemical component, Pharmacology, efficacy, and etc of these plants were documented individually, and the color photos of the plants were also attached. The publication is very benefical for developing and promoting Taiwan medicinal plants.
In order to advance international cooperation and to help foreigners better understand Taiwan medicinal plants, translating “The Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan” has become one of the key items of CCMP, Department of Health.
The 2-year translation project is going to be carried out by a translation team whcih composed by experts in botany and Chinse medicine. The translation of volumeⅠwill be published in the first year while volumeⅡand Ⅲ will be published in the second year. Each translation will be published in 500 volumes. With this project, we hope that the resources of Taiwan medicinal plants can be better known worldwide.
關鍵字:The Illustration of Common Medicinal Plants in Taiwan;Translation;Medicinal Plants;Illustration