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CCMP95-TP-041-1 臨床常用複方濃縮中藥製劑對腎功能影響之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


根據行政院衛生署暨財團法人中華民國腎臟基金會的統計資料指出,早在民國86年起,我國洗腎總人口數就達到20937人,並且每年以10%以上的比率增加,截至民國94年,我國洗腎總人口數已超過4萬5千人;雖然造成患者必須洗腎的病因有很多,在後天的因素多半為藥物或食物所引起,西藥所引發的腎毒性目前已有許多的文獻報導,然而過去我國關於中草藥毒性的研究多偏重在肝臟方面,有關中草藥所導致的腎毒性相關研究較晚起步也相對較少,因此中草藥的使用是否導致我國病患洗腎率節節攀升也無從得知;在中醫藥發達盛行的我國,中草藥不僅只被當作醫療用途,甚至也被運用在保健食品方面,中草藥的使用是如此的普及,因此釐清中草藥成分是否會引發腎毒性的確有其必要性。在過去,馬兜鈴酸是為大家所知曉與中草藥腎病變有強烈關聯性的成分;自衛生署於2003年公告禁止含有馬兜鈴酸的產品上市至今,國人洗腎患者的人數不僅沒有減少,反而仍然持續以每年超過10%的成長率上升。但近年來有臨床研究發現有些服用中草藥製劑的病患有腎衰竭等相關腎臟問題的產生;所以中草藥可能含有除了馬兜鈴酸以外而會產生腎毒性的成分存在,是一個值得我們去探討的議題。本計劃是以中醫醫院及藥廠中藥方劑使用量排行前十名的複方濃縮中藥製劑為對象。進行長期(14天,一天一次) 口服給予動物多劑量的方式來進行研究,以評估濃縮中藥製劑在臨床使用上對腎臟可能產生的影響,以期能建立基本相關資料供臨床使用上的參考。因此本研究的目的在於建立臨床上經常使用的濃縮中藥製劑與腎毒性關聯的資料平台,以適時提供醫療團隊或病人相關資訊,來減少可能因使用中草藥而產生腎臟的不良反應或副作用,進而減少病人用藥安全的顧慮與提昇醫療品質。

The effect of concentrated compound chinese herbal medicine drug on toxicity studies in kidney

Pao, Li-Heng
National Defense Medical Center
No matter for disease treatment or for diet suppliment, herbs has been used broadly in Taiwan. Till now, there are lots of studies indicate that aristolochic acid which is one component of herbs will lead to renal toxicity. The ratio of patients who having nephropathy and adoptting blood dialysis therapy is increasing graduately in Taiwan. Therefore, the Department of Health (DOH) has embargoed herbs containing aristolochic acid since 2000. However, the cases of blood dialysis in Taiwan are still increase more than 10% every year. Besides aristolochic acid, some studies also show that there might be other components of herbs that will induce renal toxicity, which may be one of the reasons that the incidence rate of blood or urine dialysis is till high. The purpose of this project is to study the effect of renal function by common using compound herbal medicine drugs and to build up the toxicity data bank. These herbal medicine- renal toxicity data may provide useful information for medical professional stuffs in prescription and consultation, which might help to reduce the chance of advers effects and impove the quality of medical care. In the last year project, under the support of CCMP, we have set up the in vitro model to evaluate the herbal medicine-drug interactions on human liver microsomeal CYP3A activity.
關鍵字:Chinese nedicine;Renal toxicity;Animal model