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CCMP95-TP-043-1 懷孕婦女使用中草藥安胎劑在母體、胎盤及臍帶血分布情形之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


由於民間常用十三味方劑作為產前調養、補血、安胎之用,但其十三種組成成份的效用機制以及這些成分是否如西藥,從母體經由胎盤到達胎兒,對母體及胎兒的分佈情況及造成的影響,目前相關的資訊及研究都非常少。因此本計劃將探討懷孕期間服用十三味方劑之婦女,這些成分在母血、胎盤及臍帶血的濃度。因為本方劑含多種成份再加上其代謝物,因此本計劃將以LC/MS/MS測定之,並以Marker View軟體來進行系統性分析多種成份的濃度變化。同時我們將研究懷孕婦女服用十三味後,是否會影響母親對胎兒的免疫反應,並檢測HLA及細胞激素表現等免疫指標。因此本研究將以懷孕期間有使用十三味方劑之婦女作為研究對象,研究結果將使我們對十三味方劑對懷孕母親及胎兒的有效性、安全性有更深入的了解。

Study of Distribution of Chinese Herbs for Prevention of Preterm Labor in Maternal Blood, Placenta and Umbilical Cord Blood

Chen, Yen-Hui
National Taiwan University
The Chinese herbal prescription, Thirteen Flavors (十三味), has been widely used as a fetal stabilizing agent to prevent preterm labor in pregnant women in Taiwan. Thirteen Flavors is composed of thirteen herbs whose efficacy and mechanism are not clear yet in terms of the standard of western medicines. Literature are very few about distribution of Thirteen Flavors in maternal, placenta and fetus and their effect. In this proposal, we will study distribution of the thirteen constituents in maternal blood, placenta and umbilical cord blood in women who have ever received the Thirteen Flavors prescriptions in pregnancy using LC/MS/MS detection. Marker View software will be applied for systematic analysis. Immune response to the Thirteen Flavors prescription will be studies in maternal and fetus according to HLA and cytokine immune markers. The efficacy and safety of the Thirteen Flavors prescription will be turn out unveiled through this study.
關鍵字:fetal stabilizing agent;Thirteen Flavors;pregnancy