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CCMP98-RD-016 台灣抗凝血西藥及及非類固醇止痛藥與科學中藥併用及交互作用之藥物流行病學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Anticoagulant Drug- Herb Interaction and Non Steroid Antiinflammatory Drug-Herb Interaction in Taiwan

Jung-Nien Lai
National Yang-Ming university
Drug interaction is one of the most important issues in drug safety. When the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) become more popular, these herbs are often co-administered with therapeutic drugs raising the potential of drug–herb interactions, which may have important clinical significance based on an increasing number of clinical reports of such interactions. The interaction between herbs and drugs with narrow therapeutic indices (e.g. warfarin and digoxin) is is a significant safety concern. Because the pharmacokinetics and/or pharmacodynamics of the drug may be altered by combination with herbal remedies, potentially severe and perhaps even life-threatening adverse reactions may occur. In the other way, the wide using drugs like acetaminophen are also co-administered TCM easily. But there is still lack the solid data of the drug-herb interaction of these drugs. Our research will provide the description study of the these kinds of drug herb co-administered in national health insurance system. We also try to find out the severe and perhaps even life-threatening adverse due to these drug- herb interactions in the national health insurance cohort 1996-2007. We hope this research can help our government to built a safe TCM environment.
關鍵字:Anticoagulant Drug;Non Steroid Antiinflammatory Drug;drug interaction;Pharmacoepidemiology