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CCMP98-RD-012 建構中草藥履歷追溯產銷加值鍊示範體系

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


(1) 建立中草藥 GAP 生產履歷及履歷資訊化導入與追溯模式
(2) 建立中草藥初步加工履歷及履歷資訊化導入與追溯模式
(3) 建立中草藥履歷資訊系統與中草藥履歷核心資料庫
(4) 建立中草藥履歷追溯資訊規格標準
(5) 中草藥履歷系統教育宣導

System Construction of Traceability Value Chain and its Sustainable Utilization for Chinese Herbal Medicals

Fuu Sheu
Taiwan Agriculture and Biotechnology Association
Traceability is a new system for the improvement of product quality and safety, through the transprancy and traceability of all material and supply chain. This two year project is focused on the estabilishment of a pilot traceability system for Chinese herbs production and distribution in Taiwan. The works include to built a pilot traceability system for Chinese herbs production, procession and distribution. A pilot information system to accomplish the traceability will also be constructed. Furthermore, this project will also estabilish the information standards, including the design of trace code, infrastruction of central database, barcode standards, label design. In practice, this project includes five major parts as following,
1. estabilish and introduce a pilot traceability model for Chinese herbs production.
2. estabilish and introduce a pilot traceability model for Chinese herbs procession.
3. estabilish and introduce a pilot IT system and central database for the information of traceable Chinese herbs.
4. estabilish the metadata and standards for information exchange for this pilot traceability system.
5.public education and communication for the traceability of Chinese herbs and medicines.
The results of this project could be a demonstration and pilot for further enhancement of traceability system in Chinese herbs and medicines in Taiwan.