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CCMP98-RD-011 六味地黃散品質精緻化可行性與藥劑相等性評估(II)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Assessment of Pharmaceutical Equvlence and Quality fineness of Low-Excipient Liou-Wei-Di-Huang Powder Dosage (II)

Chien-Chih YU
China medical university
The purpose of this study is to reduce the percentage of excipients in a given dosage, so as to benefit the consumer with a higher concentration of medicine. We chose Liu-Wei-Di-Huang powder (LWDHP) as our model drug in the research process and make a LWDHP enmicrocapsule granule. To achieve our goal, we used moistureproof polymer film (MPPF), which makes up only 5% of the total weight in the manufacturing process. If a higher percentage of excipients are used, the ratio of excipient to medicine will increase to the disadvantage of the consumer. The benefits of using MPPF are numerous, it inhibits the moisture absorption of a low-excipient dosage, it enhances stability and it also contains the bitter taste of concentrated herbal medicine, raising it acceptability. In order to understand the influence of MPPF, we tested the specific surface, particle size distribution, dissolution, coverage and leakage of microcapsule. Our ultimate goal was to access and understand how we can change the form of the dosage, to make it as compact and easy to use as possible. Finally, we compared our samples with the LWDHP samples available on the market and the pharmaceutical equivalence and bioequivalence will be demonstrated. Furthermore, bases on this study could be converted and adapted into many other related products and applications. The development of low-excipient dosages will increase the quality of domestic concentrated manufacturing, and pharmaceutical companies will benefit greatly. Also, you can go through and dilute the low-excipient dosages with excipients to make the suitable concentrated ratio products for the pharmaceutical market, and the standardization of the concentrated ratio will be established.
關鍵字:Chinese herbal medicine;microencapsulation;granulization;release particle