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CCMP98-RD-009 奈米化藥物、中藥、化妝品及食品之科技管理及法規人才養成計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


(二)舉辦1場為期2天之奈米化食品、藥物及化妝品健康風險與法規管理研討會 (配合奈米國家型計畫辦公室舉辦2009台灣國際奈米週活動),此研討會規劃如下:

Personnel Training Program About Regulation and Management of Bionanotechology Products

Chi-Ming CHIOU
Medical And Pharmaceutical Industry Technology And Development Center
To train related people in Department of Health and its subordinate departments, we are planning training classes and international seminars to introduce the health risks and regulation management of nano foods, medicines (including medicines, Chinese medicines, medical devices and diagnostic devices) and cosmetics worldwide. The purpose of the training program is to help them to catch up with updated information of Bio-nanotechnology, understand the trend of international management of nano medicines, Chinese medicines, cosmetics and foods, and enhance the professions of the development, technological management and regulation management in Taiwan. The details of the training classes and international seminars are as follows:

(1) Training courses: 
The curriculum allotment is as follows: (6 hours are allotted for each class; 4 hours are allotted for the 6th class)
1. Introduction of fundamental concepts and applications of nano biomedical technology.
2. Latest testing technique developments in nano biomedical technology.
3. Molecular imaging of latest nano biomedical technology developments.
4. Nano Bio-medicine from the latest developments of nano biomedical technology.
5. Health Hazard assessment and control upon exposure to nano particles. 
6.Post-international symposium workshop on health risks of nano biomedical products and management of regulations. 

The curriculum covers outstanding experts and researchers hired to conduct case studies, interchanges/discussions, and practices. 

(2) A 2-day symposium on ht health risks and management of regulations of nano foodstuff, medicine, and cosmetics is conducted. (In conjunction with activities of 2009 Taiwan International Nano Week undertaken by Office of National Science and Technology Program for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The symposium planning is as follows: 
1. At least 3 experts from overseas (e.g. the U.S.A., Asia, and Europe) should be invited as lecturers.
2. The speech content should cover an introduction on the latest management trend or review standards of nano-based medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, cosmetics, and medical equipment from the U.S.A, Asia, and Europe (including in vitro diagnosis, IVD) or foodstuff related products.

3. Inquiries should be made at Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Executive Yuan regarding the training courses above, lecturer list, and speech topics prior to the planning to meet practical needs. Printed lecture notes and e-lecture notes should be provided at the time of course conduction for reference by concerned parties. At least 40 participants are in each class and the minimum total training hours including the symposium are 42 hours.
關鍵字:nanotechnology, medicine and foodstuff, technological management, regulation management, personnel training