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CCMP98-RD-008 黃連及小檗鹼奈米微脂體的抗人類肝癌細胞作用之分析與細胞凋亡機制之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Analysis of anticancer effects of huang-lian and berberine liposomal nanovesicles on human hepatocellular carcinoma and investigation of their apoptotic pathways

Hsiao-Wei Wen
National Chung Hsing University
Traditional Chinese medicine has five thousand year history and has developed many treatments for various diseases. Moreover, some therapeutic effects of traditional Chinese medicine have been proved by Western medicine. Liver cancer ranks as the first or second in the cancer death rates in Taiwan. Huang-lian possesses antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammation effects, and recently huang-lian and berberine have been proved to have anticancer effects against liver, breast and nasopharyngeal cancers. In addition, liposome is a good drug carrier for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs and there already have liposomal drugs in the market for treating breast cancer. Therefore, the objective of this study is to use liposomal nanovesicles as the drug carrier to encapsulate samples of huang-lian or berberine, in order to enhance their anticancer effects on hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HCC) and simultaneously to reduce their side effects on normal cells. Moreover, the in vivo nude mouse model will be applied to evaluate the optimal formuation and dose. Finally, their apoptotic pathways will be studied for understand their anticancer mechanisms in HCC.
關鍵字:huang-lian;berberine;liposomal nanovesciles