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CCMP98-RD-004 中藥劑量與毒性間之關係探討及中藥肝腎毒性相關研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Investigation of the relationship between dosage and toxicity and the hepatoxicity and renal toxicity induced by Chinese herb

Yuh-Fung Chen
China medical university
According to the policy of the use safety of Chinese Herbal drug by CCMP and the research focuses of year 2009, the relationship between doss and toxicity and liver and kidney toxicity of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook will be evaluated in this study. The blood routine check, clinical biochemistry check, urine check, anamtomy and pathological histological check will be primarily studied. Biochemical data check, pathological check, immunohistological staining will be used to evaluate the relationship between dose and toxicity and the hepatotoxicity, renal toxicity induced by Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.
關鍵字:Tripterygium wilfordii Hook;dose and toxicity;liver and kidney toxicity