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CCMP96-RD-007 新型艾灸排煙通風器對中醫醫療院所室內空氣品質改善之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


艾葉中含有揮發油,尤其新製艾絨,所含揮發油較多,灸時常有火力過強,病者灼痛感較大;而陳艾,其油質揮發迨盡,質更柔軟,灸之火力較柔和,痛苦較少。經驗中以新艾來灸氣喘病患,常易使病人聞其氣味而氣喘突然發作,而陳艾較則較少發生,但此時所產生的空氣中細小懸浮顆粒仍是有許多,仍然會對室內空氣品質產生影響。長期以來,當我們進入中醫療院所常會聞到一股中藥味,尤其當醫院正在燃燒艾灸時,室內二手「灸」味的空氣品質則更為惡劣,即使此時有加裝一般抽風設備,經驗上仍是效果不彰。 本計畫將進行: 1. 室內空氣品質問卷調查。 經由問卷調查結果可得知燃燒艾灸後對醫療院所空氣品質的改變,是否對來院民眾產生主觀上的不舒適。 2. 艾絨燃燒後之空氣品質分析。 1.陳艾之空氣品質分析 2.新艾之空氣品質分析 3.兩者之差異 4.分析方法:針對室內常見而對健康有較大影響的空氣污染物:懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、二氧化氮(NO2)、二氧化硫(SO2)一氧化碳(CO)、二氧化碳(CO2)、甲醛(CHOH)及揮發性有機污染物(VOCs)等項 3. 艾絨燃燒後之空氣品質依照危害指數(Hazard quotient, HQ)及致癌風險度(risk),進行健康風險評估。 95/08/31環保署公告「室內空氣品質管理法草案」後,醫療院所之室內空氣品質將會受到民眾重視,本研究之資料可被參考運用,將來在制定中醫醫療院所醫療空氣品質時之參考數據。 4. 建立新型「艾灸排煙通風器」之效能分析。 1.以空氣檢測儀器來檢測新型「艾灸排煙通風器」與不同通氣器材之間效能分析比較。 2.進行新型「艾灸排煙通風器」距離對不同燃燒艾灸位置時之效能比較,找出最佳值。建立其有效能對醫療環境空氣品質改善之實證數據,並提出改善艾灸後醫療環境空氣品質之方法。同時可解決因應「室內空氣品質管理法草案」公佈後,艾灸對於中醫醫療機構之室內空氣品質指標值改變的困擾

The study of new type moxibustion ventilator to improve traditional chinese medicine hospital indoor air quality (IAQ)

Taipei City Hospital
Moxa includes the volatile oil, especially newly made moxa which contains more volatile oil .When burning , its fire is often excessively strong, which makes patients suffer. Comparatively, old moxa, which contains less volatile oil and softer, and its fire is more gentle, the pain is less. In our experience, using newly made moxa on the patients of asthma can generate the smoke which easily cause the asthma patients to break out. But the old moxa seldom happens. However, it still has many tiny suspended particle in the air, and affects the indoor air quality. Since long ago, we often smell the odour of Chinese herbal medicine when entering the Chinese medicine healing institute, especially practicing moxibustion. Even if an exhaust fan is running, the air quality is still bad. This plan will carry on: 1. Indoor air quality questionnaire survey. From the questionnaire survey result, we may know whether the change of the air quality could cause the patients uncomfortable when burning moxa. 2. Air quality analysis after burning moxa.
關鍵字:moxibustion, indoor air quality, suspended particulate matter