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CCMP96-RD-023 穿心蓮及血府逐瘀湯對缺血性-再灌流引起之腦梗塞之療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


腦血管梗塞是血管性疾病致死及發病的主要原因之一,影響人類健康甚鉅,相關的缺血性腦梗塞的病理機轉受到廣泛的研究,但由於其突發性的關係,關於腦血管梗塞治療藥物的發展,一直沒有很大的進展;而中草藥對於腦血管梗塞及其所導致腦部傷害的保護作用的相關研究,雖然有持續的進行,但其研究的完善性仍嫌不足,也較不易令人信服。 本計劃希望能建立一個完整的模式來評估藥物對腦血管梗塞的保護作用,從活體外實驗及活體試驗來清楚的得知藥物保護作用可能的機制,而經由對於腦梗塞過程的研究,我們發現血小板的凝集及嗜中性白血球的活性在腦血管梗塞所造成的腦部傷害中扮演了一個非常重要的部分,因此本次計畫決定經由這兩個活體外的實驗作為評估藥物初步的ㄧ個篩選及可能的機制的探討。 穿心蓮的活性成分andrographolide,我們認為因為它抗自由基的能力、抗發炎性質及保護神經細胞的功能,在治療腦梗塞所造成的腦部傷害上,或許有很好的效果,只可惜目前對於andrographolide在此方面的研究並不多,且對於andrographolide如何抑制血小板凝集反應的作用機轉及andrographolide對腦部傷害直接的保護作用沒有相關的研究;此外,在中藥的臨床應用上一像是以複方為主,故本次計劃亦會探討中醫藥傳統方劑血府逐瘀湯對腦部傷害的保護作用,因此,本計劃擬對穿心蓮的活性生物鹼andrographolide及中醫藥傳統方劑血府逐瘀湯對缺血性腦梗塞所造成的腦部傷害的保護作用,同時從活體外實驗及活體內實驗,來評估它對腦部的保護作用及其可能的作用機制,以期能有一完整的研究及評估。

Neuroprotective effects of andrographolide and SHIEE FUU JWU IU TANG in brain ischemia-reperfusion

Joen-Rong Sheu
Taipei Medical University
Stroke is a main mortal cause of vascular diseases, and affects healthy critically. Pathological mechanisms of ischemic stroke were studied intensely, but did not have well therapy of ischemic stroke because it is unpredictable. Researches of herbal medicines of the protective effects of ischemic stroke were ongoing but uncompleted. This project wants to establish a complete model to estimate the protective effects of herbal medicines of ischemic stroke by in vitro and in vivo studies. Platelet aggregation and neutrophil activation play important roles in the pathology of ischemic stroke. This project will make an investigation of the protective effects of herbal medicines in the two important part of ischemic stroke by in vitro studies. Andrographolide, an active compound of Andrographis paniculata, may have protective effects in ischemic stroke through its free radicals scavenging, anti-inflammation and neuroprotective properties. But the research of andrographolide on ischemic stroke is still absent. The mechanisms of andrographolide in anti-platelet aggregation and the neuroprotective effect are still unclear now. Besides, we also want to investigate the effects of the chinese traditional compound medicine-SHIEE FUU JWU IU TANG on ischemic stroke. This project will have a complete model to estimate the neuroprotective effects and the possible mechanisms of andrographolide by in vivo and in vitro studies.
關鍵字:ischemic stroke;platelet aggregation;neutrophil activation;andrographolide;SHIEE FUU JWU IU TANG