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CCMP96-RD-030 輻射照射抑制火麻仁發芽之研究 (2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-15

輻射照射抑制火麻仁發芽之研究 (2-1)

本計畫係依照行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會96年度中藥品質管制暨中醫政策類委託研究計畫,研究重點1-4,火麻仁經炮製後之發芽研究提出。火麻仁為植物大麻(Cannabis sativa LINN.)之乾燥果實,是中醫用藥亦為鴿子之添加飼料。藥典中所記載的火麻仁,主要療效為潤燥、滑腸、通淋、活血等。目前國內使用之火麻仁主要由中國大陸進口,屬於限制輸入貨品,對此中藥材之進口規定是經炮製後不具發芽力之火麻仁始得進口,唯目前進口之炮製後火麻仁之發芽率尚無確切完全抑制,造成進口時之困擾。輻射照射可用於抑制種子之發芽,已有許多文獻報導,加馬線照射應是解決火麻仁經炮製後發芽的最佳方法。本研究探討以加馬線照射抑制火麻仁發芽之最適照射條件,研究分二年進行。第一年度主要研究內容為彙整輻射照射抑制種子發芽之相關研究資料。將專案申請採購不同產地之新鮮及具不同儲存期之未經炮製火麻仁,與經傳統炮製之火麻仁進行其發芽率試驗。火麻仁於清華大學原科中心進行輻射照射,初步評估抑制火麻仁種子發芽所需之輻射劑量。第二年度研究內容為於不同溫度及劑量率下輻射照射處理,照射後之樣品立即進行加馬射線抑制火麻仁發芽效率測試及蛋白質圖譜變化、氨基酸、脂肪酸、酸價、過氧化價、外觀顏色及DNA片段分析等分析。照射後火麻仁並進行貯存實驗,於三個月後再次進行上述測試。本計畫將研訂抑制火麻仁發芽之輻射照射最適條件,使進口之火麻仁能達法規的要求,解決中藥火麻仁之進口問題。此外,研究結果將提供以輻射照射處理抑制火麻仁發芽之立法依據。

Study of germination inhibition of Cannabis Semen by gamma irradiation (2-1)

Chou, Fong-In
National Tsing Hua University
This project is based on the major research focuses 1-4 “study of the germination activity of roasted Cannabis semen”, proposed by the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan. Cannabis semen (CS), the dried seed of Coix lacryma-jobi L., has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine to enhance human health, and also has been considered as a healthy supplemental dietary for pigeons. CS is subjected to the import restriction by the examination of its germination activity in Taiwan. Most of CS is imported from China, and it must be roasted for germination inhibition. However, some of the imported CS still have germination activity, thus the commodities are encountered by customhouse detention. Therefore, the control of germination activity of CS is urgently required. Gamma irradiation can be an effective method for CS germination inhibition since it has been applied to inhibit germination of many plant seeds. The aim of this 2-year research is to set up the optimal irradiation condition for CS germination inhibition by the use of gamma irradiation. In the first year, the protocols for evaluating CS germination activity will be set up. The freshly harvested CS, un-roasted CS with different storage time and roasted CS will be imported, and their germination activity will be accessed.
關鍵字:Cannabis semen;Gamma irradiation;Germination inhibition