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CCMP96-RD-031 人參藥材及其製劑生長期之代謝體學評估與鑑定

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


人參是應用歷史最為久遠的珍貴中藥,其藥用價值已為國際學術界和醫學家所公認。人參藥效顯著,療效確切。將人參製成各種劑型產品,在醫療保健、美容護膚、食品飲料等領域,都有可觀的經濟效益和社會效益。 人參的栽培年期與採收季節,可直接影響其加工質量和產量。完全成長的人參生長期在五至六年間,根系發達而有效成分趨於恆定。但是人參自第七年起,生長速度緩慢下來,表皮開始木質化,外部形亦開始發生缺損,生產力及抗病能力均減弱,根的增重也少,鬚根稀疏。這就表明人參的生長在第六年達到顛峰,因而此時採收的人參藥用價值與品質最高。大多數的人參商品都是號稱六年生人參,亦即為品質優良之參品,生物活性及效果上應為更精緻、更純正。為了避免不同年生或部位混誤用並提昇市場人參產品的品質,鑑別不同年生的人參,除了從原藥材形體外觀來判斷之外,對於已經加工製成產品的人參製劑,如何鑑別或評估是人參製劑品質管控的盲點。 以代謝體學途徑(Metabolomic Approach)結合多變數統計(Multivariate Statistics),已廣泛地應用在中草藥藥材品質管制(QA/QC)的鑑定。利用植物代謝體學(Metabolome in Plants)的觀念對藥材進行全光譜分析,以及利用蛋白質體生物標記的觀念,能補充傳統品質管制方法中,僅以中藥材主要成分的分析角度所忽略之多成分組成與複雜生物活性間的關係的不足,以及微量成分間的協同、結合或拮抗的交互作用。 本計畫結合代謝體學輪廓與多變數統計的方法,應用於人參藥材品質管制監測。捨去以往常用的主要化學成分(Major compounds)的監測與定量,而改以全部的代謝化學成份,即使是非常微小微量的成分,以HPLC和NMR全光譜資料、連結蛋白質生物標記,利用主成分分析統計法(PCA),以系統性生物學的觀點分析所有測得的資料數據。建立人參藥材生長期的標準落點(Standard Plot),可作為人參藥材與製劑品管規範訂定的依據。

Metabolomic Evaluation and Identification of Cultivated Age in Ginseng Materials and Commercial Products

Chang, Wen-Te
China Medical University
Ginseng has been used for more than two thousand years as amedicinal herb because of its diverse biological activities. There are many pharmaceutical effects reported for ginseng, and people like to make and use different ginseng commercial products for health care, cosmetics and food supplements. The cultrivated age and harvest seasons are closely related to the quality and production of ginseng. The perfect and matural ginseng roots are harvested at 6-year-olds cultivated age. The roots of ginseng collected in 6th year have the best mass quality and constant active components. It is believed the valuable products are made by this kind of 6-years-olds ginseng roots. Therefore, most of commercial products claim that they made using 6-year-olds ginseng. However, in order to distinguish the real cultivated age for ginseng roots in commercial products, especial the products useng ginseng as a powder or an extract form, a rapid and efficient analytical discipline and method insteand of the traditional tissue anatomy of appearance examination for quality control of ginseng products is required. Metabolomics approach in combination with multivariate statistics has been widely applied in the QA/QC of Chinese material medica.
關鍵字:Ginseng;Cultivated Age;6-year-olds ginseng;Metabolomics;Multivariate statistics;Principal component analysis;Quality control