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CCMP96-RD-032 一年生中藥材台灣GAP生產模式之建立與評估(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-14
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


半夏及北柴胡,古典藥籍(神農本草經、本草綱目、本草備要等)均記載其具有治療呼吸道疾病之功效。本研究計畫以半夏及北柴胡等中藥材為對象,進行種原收集,並篩選建立其正品基原之健康種原,詳細調查分析其有效成分。選取適合本土栽培特性及高有效成份之品種,建立其大量繁殖方法及優良農業操作(Good Agricultural Practice,GAP)模式。進一步在台彎進行大量栽培生產此等中藥材之工作。 計畫預計分二年期進行,第一年擬蒐集半夏及北柴胡等一年生中藥種源材料,以組織切片法及薄層層析法(Thin-layer chromatography,TLC)鑑定其正品基原後,建立健康種苗及大量繁殖方法。第二年擬利用已建立之健康種苗材料,進行田間栽培試驗,可望於台灣建立中藥材半夏及北柴胡之栽培生產模式。為保證半夏及北柴胡中藥材的品質,將進一步建立台灣中藥材之有機農法及GAP栽培模式,期能生產安全無污染,高品質及高有效成分的中藥材,以阻絕重金屬及農藥的污染。此外,在田間栽培試驗的高強度逆境篩選下,可望獲得多樣化、高產量與高有效成分之半夏及北柴胡品系。 全程二年計劃除以組織切片法及薄層層析法(TLC)鑑定其正品基原外,將利用毛細管電泳分析法(capillary electrochromatography, CEC),進行半夏及北柴胡之指標成分分析試驗,並探討不同栽培方法對四種一年生中藥材產量與成分的影響。 相關研究結果,將可應用於中藥材之GAP生產栽培。預期本計畫之執行,將有助於未來台灣中藥原料本土化栽培,及建立健康無污染生產模式,對我國中草藥原料之管制及品質之提昇,以及中草藥產業之健全發展,具有指標性與建設性的意義與積極正面之價值。

Establishment and evaluation for GAP model of annual medicinal herbs in Taiwan(2-1)

Chen, Shih-Shiung
National Chung Hsing University
According to the records in ancient medical books, annual medicinal plants as Pinellia ternate (THUNB.) Breit. And Bupleurum chinense DC., showed effects on curing the diseases of respiratory passages. This research will conduct to screen these medicinal plants, as the subjects in collection their species origins, selection and build the healthy reproducing systems on the basis of certified variety. Detail analysis will be conducted for their effective components. This project aim to select the traits that suit for local cultivation, and the varieties with high effective components to set up the methods for massive reproduction and Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) models. Furthermore, the model of GAP established will serve as the standard for medicinal herbs production in Taiwan. This research will be accomplished within two years. In the first year, searching and screening for these annual medicinal herbs materials are going to be conducted. After identifying the base of certified varieties by means of microscopic inspection of plant and TLC, healthy reproduction for seedlings and the methods for massive cultivation will be founded. In the second year, planting practiced in the field by using the materials screened for setting up the GAP models of the medicinal herbs.
關鍵字:Pinellia ternate;Bupleurum chinense DC;GAP;TLC;organic agricultural