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CCMP99-RD-103 台灣外科手術病人服用中草藥對外科麻醉相關藥物交互作用之調查與臨床實證醫學探討2-2

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


99年將持續第二年藉著問卷的資料收集、分析,找出病人最常服用中草藥前15名,以病人基本資料和病人服用中草藥有無人口學相關傾向特性,病人服用中草藥和病人現有疾病有無相關性,病人服用中草藥和術中出血量有無關係、合併症、手術後7天的死亡率有無相關;利用統計中的描述性、推論性(卡方檢定、t-test、regression analysis)將判定自變項與依變項及各應變數間之統計意義。同時我們也進行文獻查詢,找出前15名中草藥與免疫、凝血的相關性,以及手術麻醉病人服用中草藥對手術期間出血、死亡率的影響。

Survey and Study on Drug Interactions between Chinese-Herb Medicines and Surgery-Anesthesia Related Drugs in Taiwan Surgical Patients(2-2)

Use of herbs and Chinese medicines is very common among Taiwanese. The effects of these drugs on the outcome of surgical patients have not been studies before. The American Society of Anesthesiologists recommends that all surgical patients stop taking herb medications two weeks before anesthesia. This suggestion, however, does not fit the real situation in Taiwan where most people take herbs/Chinese medicines which are different from those used in USA. Therefore, such recommendation is not helpful in Taiwan.

Our study is an original and indigenous project. It explores the interaction between the Herbs/Chinese medicines and the surgical outcomes in patients taking herbs/Chinese medicines. 

During the first year, the questionnaire was developed and its reliability and validity were comfirmed by test-retest method and experts’ decisions, respectively. 1020 surgical patients were contacted and 550 completed questionnaires analyzed. Moreover, there were the 10 most common herbs/Chinese medicines administered in the Taiwan surgical patients during the first year. We will then analyze which of these herbs/Chinese medicines have positive effects on the surgical outcome during the second year.
關鍵字:Chinese Herbal Medicine、Complimentary and Alternative Medicine;CAM)、Surgical complications、Coagulation、Immunity、Drug interaction。