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CCMP99-RD-066 推動成立國內SCI國際中醫藥學術期刊

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


目前SCI收錄的國際期刊中,僅有二期刊與Chinese Medicine高度相關,造成台灣的中醫藥研究成果難以大量發表,導致中醫、藥、食療的研究無法充分在國際上曝光。因此,本計畫擬遵循SCI期刊收錄之標準,建置一高品質的中醫、藥、食療國際期刊,期望能在最短的時間內使本期刊成為SCI期刊。本計畫主要工作內容如下:設立編輯委員會、建立中英對照的中醫藥資料庫、規劃並執行期刊知名度拉抬工作、建置網路系統、建置期刊網站、邀稿、收稿與審稿作業,並於計畫時間內發行創刊號(預計於2011年10月發行)。顧問編輯與編輯委員將廣邀世界各國中醫、藥、食療研究學者參與,論文之邀稿與收稿內容除了台灣本地之研究學者,也將收錄來自各國之研究著作,以符合國際化之指標;並且將以同儕審查(peer review)方式進行稿件審查;此外,利用各種宣傳方式讓相關領域之研究機構與學者認識本期刊,以增加投稿率與被引用率,並能維持期刊論文品質,穩定出版。另外,本期刊將建置一中英對照之中醫藥辭彙資料庫(由美國Paradigm出版公司大力支持),在已審查通過發表的論文中,利用英文、中文、以及英文拼音方式,同時呈現中醫藥專有名詞,此為國際期刊之創舉,將可減少翻譯造成的誤解,使中醫、藥、食療研究之國際期刊論文更容易被了解與接受,以及更加吸引讀者的目光。

Establish an international journal of Chinese medicine

Lee-Yan Sheen
Research Center of Food and Biomolecules, National Taiwan University
There are only two SCI international journals highly related to Chinese medicine nowadays. Thus, the research results of Chinese medicine in Taiwan cannot be published and exposed to all over the world easily. Therefore, the aim of this project is to establish an international journal of Chinese medicine following the journal selection criteria of Thomson Reuters. Hopefully, this journal will be a SCI journal in a short period of time. The main works of this project are to establish the editorial board, to set up a English-Chinese database of Chinese medicine, to promote this new journal, to establish the network system and website, to call for papers, to invite writers, to review papers, and to publish the first issue of “International Journal of Chinese Medicine” on Oct., 2011. The professionals in Chinese medicine from around the world will be invited to be the authors, editors, and editorial board members. All submissions will be subjected to peer review. The information of this journal will be promoted via different ways and to different targets for increasing the rates of submissions and citations. Furthermore, a Chinese-English database of Chinese medicine, which is supported by Paradigm publication in USA, will be set up, and the proper nouns of Chinese medicine will be showed in English, Chinese, and the phonetic transcription at the same time to minimize the misunderstandings of the terms of traditional Chinese medicine. This is a pioneer work for developing Chinese medicine papers more friendly and attractive to readers.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine, International journal, SCI, Chinese-English database of the terms of traditional Chinese medicine