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CCMP99-RD-060 中草藥應用於癌症治療之市場潛力及發展趨勢

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



The market potential and development trend of Chinese herbal medicine in cancer therapy

Tsu-Hwie Annie Liu
Development Center for Biotechnology
The aim of this project is using industrial analytical methodology to study traditional Chinese herbal medicines, botanical drugs and herbal dietary supplements used in cancer treatment. The strength and weakness of the products will be measured by product characteristics, market size, manufactures, and the competitiveness of industries. The aspect of the results will be compared in regulations, policy, industrial structure, and environmental conditions in Taiwan to further discuss the market potential and future trends of the domestic industry as references for government, academia, and science sectors to promote Chinese herbal medicine. 
This study will (1) collect, summarize and analyze the cancer-related herbal products on the market or in the research pipeline by product characteristics, types, major manufacturers, new technology development and production. (2) To visit domestic expertise in cancer treatment and herbal product related fields to learn about our current situation in comparison with the global development in order to analysis the national competitiveness and to explore the advantages and disadvantages of industry, and making strategic planning.