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CCMP99-RD-052 針灸及傳統醫學醫療交流訓練中心 (2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15

針灸及傳統醫學醫療交流訓練中心 (2-1)

實施方法: 彙編針灸及傳統醫學之標準化教學訓練教材,並辦理台灣優質中醫師國際人才培訓。辦理國際衛生人才針灸及傳統醫學短期培訓課程,以及中醫藥國際研討會,邀約各國學術團體及衛生主管機關參加。參訪其它國家的傳統醫學研究並進行交流。

Advanced Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine Training Center(2-1)

Hsu Chung-Hua
Our goal is to establish the advanced acupuncture and traditional medicine training center. The center offers training and exchange programs of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for medical workers from allied countries to train in Taiwan. In addition, through the center, we could strengthen cooperation with foreign academic institutions, or the health authorities to make traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan be seen. It is necessary to establish the center with a view to achieve the promotion of advantages of TCM in Taiwan and to open Taiwans international reputation in TCM.
關鍵字:Internationalization of TCM、TCM