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CCMP96-RD-046 六味地黃丸內含物精緻化的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


糖尿病是因胰島素作用異常所致血糖偏高的一種新陳代謝疾病,臨床上,第二型糖尿病佔糖尿病患者的90%以上,胰島素抗阻性(insulin resistance)是造成第二型糖尿病的原因之一,因此,藉由改善胰島素抗阻性來改善第二型糖尿病是當今重要的方向。在中醫,糖尿病屬 “消渴“病範疇,糖尿病人基本病機為陰虚,尤以腎陰虚為主,常以含有熟地黃的六味地黄丸治療,但中醫臨床的消渴症治療則以生地黃主之。本研究欲藉由六味地黃丸製程精緻化,釐清生地黃以及熟地黃對於治療胰島素抗阻的效果。首先,將給予果糖誘導的胰島素抗阻大鼠不同的六味地黃丸,藉由HOMA-IR index 以及Glucose/Insulin Index評估藥物對改善胰島素抗阻性的程度是否有所差異;並且給予STZ誘導的第一型糖尿病大鼠不同的六味地黃丸,藉由測定藥物是否可以增加血中胰島素濃度,評估藥物對胰島素的反應性。藉由本計劃的執行,得以釐清傳統中醫延用生地黃以及含有熟地黃的六味地黃丸其間可能存在的差異性,並在六味地黃丸製程精緻化之後,得到對於治療胰島素抗阻,甚至是其他不同型糖尿病更為理想的臨床治療藥物。

A study on the elaboration of Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan

Hungkaung University
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease caused by impaired insulin action, and 90% diabetic patients belong to type Π diabetes. Because insulin resistance is a major of type Π diabetes, it is the main target to treat type Π diabetes by improving insulin resistance. The aim of this study is to clarify whether the elaboration of Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan would elevate its effect on insulin resistance. We will use the fructose-induced insulin resistant diabetic rat. The HOMA-IR index and Glucose/ Insulin Index would be used to evaluate the curative effect of Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan on insulin resistant rats after treating with the elaborated fomular. We will also determine the insulin reactivity on STZ-induced diabetic rats treated with elaborated Liu-Wei-Die-Huang-Wan. After investigating the modification of Liu-Wei-Dei-Huang-Wan, we may find an ideal clinical Chinese medicine to treat diabetes mellitus.