不分國界的主流醫學就是現代醫學。也就是以科學化醫學,對抗 (allopathic)醫學為主軸,重視實證醫學。傳統醫學,則依全人 (whole man)或整體(holistic) 觀念照顧病人。世界上各類傳統醫學的消費者頗眾,不可否認的是--傳統醫藥中有些療效確實值得研究,應正視其存在價值並去蕪存菁,使之成為主流醫學的輔助及另類醫學 (CAM)。現代醫學與傳統醫學(包括中醫藥) 在各先進國家已開啟對話,這是東西方一致的趨勢,世界衛生組織在2002年5月26日首度發表『2002-¬2005年傳統醫藥及替代醫藥全球策略』,建請全球180餘國家將此策略納入該國醫療政策。傳統醫學在全球已受到普遍重視。中華醫藥促進基金會素對傳統與現代醫藥的促進頗多著力,2004年6月至2005年12月間與台灣聯合醫學基金會,中華民國中西整合醫學會以及台灣社區健康促進與管理學會等團體,共同舉辦七場『傳統醫學與現代醫學對話論壇』及三場專家學者座談會,每場次依不同議題分別邀請中醫及西醫專家學者,促使不同領域的專家學者深度對話,針對傳統醫學與現代醫學對人類的健康照護,以及相關疾病預防、診斷、治療與評價之環境支持、專業教育、醫病關係與資訊對稱等各種層面,以人為本,以科學為用,使專家智慧與經驗相互激盪,並整合產生出中西醫藥替代或整合運用的共識與可行方策,藉以作為政策釐訂及專業教育各層面之參考。
A Study on the Education Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (2-2)
In the world today, the main stream medicine, or so-called modern, scientific, orthodox or allopathic medicine, which developed following Renaissance mainly in the Western countries, has prevailed, and has been practiced in almost every country. Traditional medicine, which includes three major systems, Chinese, Ayurvedic and Unani medicine, has contributed also to the health care of human beings for more than a few thousand years.
In the past decades, the demands for the traditional medicine, especially the Chinese medicine, emphasizing the holistic and natural health care, have increased. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), coined most recently in the US, has become popular, calling for the studies and modernization of the traditional medicine.
It is a fact that almost 12% of the clinic patients under the National Health Insurance coverage in Taiwan are visiting the traditional Chinese medical clinics.
Recognizing that the theories behind, and the languages or terminologies used in the traditional Chinese medicine and the modern medicine (MM) are entirely different, we plan the present studies.
A forum for the dialogue between Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Modern Medicine (MM) will be established.
關鍵字:Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)