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CCMP99-RD-044 八段錦對於正常人及紅斑狼瘡患者在脈波血液流變學上的表現

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


本研究的主要目的乃在觀察正常人與紅斑性狼瘡(SLE)患者,經八段錦練習後,可否改善血管彈性,周邊血流順暢,及血管內液充足。同時檢視SLE患者經功法練習後血液流變學上的變化,與血中相關生物活性因子(C3、C4、ANA et al)及SLE活動性因子(SLE disease activity index)的相關性,以科學的方法做分析比較。在98年的研究中發現,SLE患者經由練習八段錦可以改善增強副交感神經的活性,但卻不改變交感神經的活性。副交感活性增加的效應,表現的是血管舒張、血壓下降、心跳減緩、代謝水平減緩、能量保存和器官修復。當副交感神經較強時,微血管會擴大使血液暢行於全身,給予各組織所需要之營養。在本研究的實驗設計上,比較正常人與SLE患者經練習八段錦ㄧ個月後,檢測受試者於於練功前、練功後30分鐘及60分鐘,脈波在血液流體動力學上的變化。因此本研究的重要性乃在於提供八段錦對於紅斑狼瘡患者,臨床輔助治療上醫學參考的依據,及建立有效及安全性管理機制。
The expression of hemodynamic change on normal subjects and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus with practicing Ba Duan Jin

Sheng-Teng Huang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical Center
The aim of this study is to investigate the vessel elasitisity, peripheral vessel smooth and repletion of blood vessel in the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) after practicing Ba Duan Jin (BDJ). In the mean time, we also evaluate the relationship in some biological factors such as C3, C4, ANA, SLEDAI and autonomic nervous activity with scientific methodology in the patients with SLE. 
In our 2009 study supported by Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, vagal tone can be activated in the patients with SLE after practicing BDJ, but do not change the original sympathetic tone. This phenomenon of increased vagal tone indicated vessel relaxation, decrease of heart beat, blood pressure and metabolism, reservation of energy and organ auto repair. Small capillary will be dilated, make the blood move on the whole body to provide the nutrition when vagal tone is dominant.In our study design, therefore, we will compare the hemodynamic respone from pulse wave in the normal subjects and the patients with SLE after practicing BDJ for at least one month. The importance of this study is to provide the medicinal evidenced base as an adjuvant therapy and establish the effectiveness and safety control system in the patients with SLE who practice BDJ.
關鍵字:systemic lupus erythematosus, Ba Duan Jin, pulse wave, hemodynamic