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CCMP99-RD-043 規劃中醫藥現代化與國際化之政策及研究方向

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Policy and Research Strategy Making on the Modernization and Internationalization of Chinese Medicine

Wan-Nan Yu
Quality Improvement for Pharmaceutical Affairs Association, Taiwan
The purpose of this project is to assess issues related to the current Traditional Chinese Medicine, to review the strategies and research findings of the existing "Integration of modernization and internationalization of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology ", to make the projections of future Traditional Chinese Medicine environment specifically, and to establish the direction of research and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
This project intends to establish the core group of “modernization and internationalization of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology” including at least 15 experts from industrial, government, medical, and research fields. The core group members will analyze the research interests, product market, intellectual property and regulations of the World Health Organization, the European Parliament, Mainland China, and Japan which possess experience of traditional medicine. They will analyze and review three medium-term projects including the " Plan of Establishing a Integral Clinical Education System for Chinese Medicine ", the "Plan of Establishing a Safe Medication Environment for Chinese Medicine" and the "Integration of modernization and internationalization of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology" in accordance with the policy framework built in the “Plan of Technological Development for TCM Pharmaceutical Industry” of Executive Yuan and the “Plan of Improving the Development for Modernization and Internationalization of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology” of CCMP. 
In this project we will do systematic analysis on the problems caused by the revolving Traditional Chinese Medicine environment in our and foreign countries based on the organization reform, categorized/graded applications of products, product quality and clinical trials environment, the mechanism of cooperation between Taiwan and Mainland China , and reformations of intellectual property regulations. And we will scheme out the strategy and action plans of the research on Traditional Chinese medicine related to these issues. We will complete the draft and provide considerations for the Government to adopt.
關鍵字:traditional medicine, organization reform, intellectual property