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CCMP96-RD-203 人類癌症基因體以驗證探討抗癌中草藥-總計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


本總計畫執行與本計畫「人類癌症基因體以驗證探討抗癌中草藥」之相關事誼: (一) 本計畫為整合型計畫,共有三個子計畫: 1. 子計畫一、中草藥調節致癌基因、生長因子及其接受器基因對抗肝癌機制的探討 2. 子計畫二、中草藥調節血管新生基因、癌細胞轉移、浸潤對抗肝癌機制的探討 3. 子計畫三、中草藥調節細胞週期與抑癌基因及細胞凋亡基因與其他相關基因對抗肝癌機制的探討 (二) 本計畫之所使用與癌症治療及保肝之中草藥單方40種、複方21種,共61種。將由順天堂藥廠股份有限公司供應該中草藥之水萃取液及酒精萃取液,由本總計畫負責接洽相關事誼。 (三) 本總計畫將規劃及督導本子計畫執行所需相關之研究方法、步驟等。 (四) 本總計畫將每個月開研究檢討會,輪流於國立台灣大學、國立台灣師範大學及高雄醫學大學等舉行。會中各子計畫將報告過去研究成果,及互相切磋以提昇本計畫之研究成果。

Evidenced-base studies on anticancer of Chinese herbs by genomic medicine

Lin Jung-Yaw
(1) This Program Project (PGP) is composed of 3 sub-projects including: Sub-project 1: Studies on the anticancer activity of Chinese herbs:regulation of oncogene-related and growth factors-related genes. Sub-project 2: Studies on the anticancer activity of Chinese herbs: regulation of angiogenesis and metastasis-related genes. Sub-project 3: Studies on the anticancer activity of Chinese herbs:regulation of tumor suppressor genes、cycle-related、 apoptosis-related and others genes (2) This project is to supervise the supply of 40 kinds of samples, Chinese herb, and 21 kinds of complex Chinese herbs to 3 sub-projects of this PGP by Sun Ten Pharmaceutical company. (3) This project is going to organize, setup and supervise the methods of analysis of Chinese herbs for the 3 sub-projects. (4) We will have monthly scientific meeting to exchange idea and results of each 3 sub-projects to facilitate the collaboration among the sub-projects.
關鍵字:Chinese herbal medicine;hepatoma related genes;genome