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CCMP99-RD-039 建構傳統醫藥國際合作平臺

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


全球有超過一半的人口仰賴傳統醫學做為第一線醫療,而歐美近年來對於「傳統醫學」的態度逐漸開放有,鑑於此,世界衛生組織 (WHO)、美國FDA及歐盟陸續公佈對傳統醫學及中草藥相關法案及措施。據統計,目前全球有130個國家應用中醫藥,124個國家建立中醫藥機構,而「哈佛商業評論」預測中草藥將是未來20年最重要的四大產業之一,近二十餘年來,傳統醫學在世界各國都蓬勃發展,世界衛生組織發表的「2002-2005年傳統醫學全球策略」,希望各國政府將傳統醫學納入國家醫藥政策,而WHO將協助會員國制定實施傳統醫學的政策、建立傳統藥物的質量和危害性的資料庫,以確保傳統醫學的安全與功效性。積極呼應WHO希望各國政府將傳統醫學納入國家醫藥政策之世界潮流,向國際推銷台灣傳統醫藥之發展經驗及成果,並建立傳統醫藥國際合作交流平台,建立台灣在世界傳統醫藥領域之地位與影響力,將能使台灣成為各國傳統醫藥發展與現代化之國際合作平台。




Establish national co-operate platform for traditional medicine

More than half of the global population relies on traditional medicine as their first line medical treatment. Attitude towards “traditional medicine” has gradually been opened in Europe and United State in recent years, thus the World Health Organization (WHO), the America FDA and European alliances have announced their policy and strategies one after another towards traditional medicine and Chinese herbal medicine. Statistics reveals that there are 130 countries applied Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and 124 countries have established Chinese medicine and acupuncture organizations. The “Harvard Business Review” predicted that Chinese herbal medicine will be one of the four important economical industries around the world in the next 20 years. Study in traditional Chinese medicine has been booming around the world over the last years, the World Health Organization in the “WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy 2002-2005” has actively encouraged countries to include traditional medicine in their national health care system and WHO will assist all its members to develop their own national policies on traditional medicine and to establish database for its quality and adverse effects in order to ensure safety and effective use of traditional medicine. Active response to the WHO’s plan for all nations to include traditional medicine into their national health care system will be able to advertize Taiwan’s experience and outcome in development of traditional medicine internationally. This will establish a plate form for international co operation of traditional medicine and create the position and impact of Taiwan in the field of international traditional medicine. Taiwan will become an international plate form for development and modernization of traditional medicine for all the nations. 

China medical university has been established for 51 years since 1958, it is the oldest and most important Chinese medicine centre of education and research in Taiwan. The Chinese medicine college has been established since 2003 and it is the only Chinese medicine college in Taiwan. With our remarkable history, position, staff and organization, our university will be the most appropriate university to create the plate form for international co operation of traditional medicine. In addition, China medical university has established the “national traditional medicine interchange cooperation center” since 2009. With the foundation of this center, it will be much easier to promote and proceed with the establishment of the plate form of international cooperation for the traditional medicine.

This research utilizes literature analysis of national and international journals, magazines, research reports, thesis, and reports in current practice of Chinese medicine. This leads to understanding of the background, current practice and development process in individual country. Officers from the government’s department, education experts in Chinese and herbal medicine, experts from Chinese medicine and herbal associations and industry experts will be invited to our expert forums to establish acting policies and provide help and network for people in Chinese medicine worldwide.

In the two years of research, we expect to complete the following:
1.    Conduct international training workshops for health care personnel. Train university and related national personnel to become staff for the international cooperative plate form.

2.    Establish the contact detail for the related global traditional medicine organizations (including the government organization, educational organization, research organization, academy institution and associations).

3.    Establish message files for important international traditional medicine related workshops, annual meetings, and specific issue forums.

4.    Establish literature in the field of potential development in traditional medicine for individual country.

5.    Establish organization for the traditional medicine and integration medicine. Create the communication network to exchange information, and to if visit one and other around the world if needed to have further academic interaction.

6.    Establish the internet connection and provide results of success in Chinese medicine in Taiwan, such as Chinese medicine health insurance system, the Chinese medicine granules, education and training system in Chinese medicine and conventional medicine, reporting system for the adverse drug reactions of Chinese herbal medicine, management policies for Chinese medicine drugs, to the related departments and people around the world.

7.    Conduct international conferences to share Taiwan’s excellent development in Chinese medicine. Invite people who are potentially interested in developing traditional medicine to attend the conference and to visit, to promote international cooperation and raise the international position and influence of Taiwan around the world.

8.    Sign up academic cooperation contracts with other countries’ government organizations, academic organization, research organizations, institutes, and academy.

9.    Invite some countries’ organizations and personnel to visit Taiwan and demonstrate our excellent system, policies, level of medical treatments, industry and education in Chinese medicine and herbs to establish the potential cooperation.

10.    Establish the individual foundation and professional clinical training of Chinese medicine and acupuncture for the related oversea trained traditional medicine group and invite them to study in Taiwan.

11.    Establish the national cooperation interchange platform of Chinese medicine in Taiwan and promote practical cooperation.
關鍵字:traditional medicine cooperative platform, Chinese medicine and acupuncture, supplementary and alternative medical treatment