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CCMP99-RD-037 自動化舌診系統與中醫師診斷之一致性研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


主持人執行衛生署中醫藥委員會90至92年度之中醫舌診標準化整合研究計劃(CCMP90-RD-017, 90.06.01~ 90.12.31、CCMP91-RD-110, 91.01.01~ 91.12.31、 CCMP92-RD-102, 92.01.01~ 92.12.31)中,業已發展一可自動分析舌部影像特徵之中醫舌診電腦化系統,並經中醫藥委員會申請專利,於2008年4月獲准發明專利("舌診系統及其方法",中華民國專利證書發明第I296110號)

The Study on The Agreement Between Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners

Y. W. Chiang
Tongue inspection represents a commonly used and important source of the information required for a TCM diagnosis. If we want provide the Tongue Diagnosis System as a clinical instrument, must provide reliable witness first. It means we have to provide the agreement measurement data which convince the TCM practitioners of the Tongue Diagnosis Systems reliability. Therefore, we discuss the agreement of Tongue Diagnosis System in this plan.
關鍵字:Tongue Diagnosis System, agreement