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CCMP99-RD-024 中藥補陽還五湯作用於阿斯匹靈在大白鼠體內藥物動力學與藥效學的交互作用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


本計畫擬評估中藥補陽還五湯是否影響抗血小板凝集藥物阿斯匹靈在大白鼠體內藥物動力學的變化。中風是由於腦部供血液受阻而迅速或腦出血發展的腦缺氧,再有中樞神經傷害的症狀(臉痲感覺、說話障礙、半身不遂等)。在臨床上對於中風患者的治療有許多新的突破與發展,進而建立了以實證醫學為基礎的各項中風治療模式與治療準則。抗血小板凝集劑阿斯匹靈主要的作用是抑制環氧化酶,其主要作用機轉為抑制血小板COX-2 活性。而在中醫方面對於中風患者最常使用的方劑即為補陽還五湯,然而補陽還五湯中含有補氣(黃耆)和活血化瘀(當歸、川芎、赤芍、丹参、銀杏葉、等)的中藥,若中風或transient ischemic attack (TIA)患者同時併服中藥方劑的補陽還五湯再加服用西藥阿斯匹靈治療和預防第二次中風,可能造成出血的風險。因此為了深入了解補陽還五湯和西藥阿斯匹靈二者在生物體內的交互作用和代謝情況,本研究計畫將探討在給予補陽還五湯後,以及同時給予補陽還五湯和阿斯匹靈下,在大白鼠體內是否有交互作用的影響、中西藥併服後是否會影響凝血時間等,以及測定給予補陽還五湯後是否影響阿斯匹靈及其代謝物水楊酸,二者在中樞和周邊的藥物濃度上變化,藉此實驗提供完整的資訊和數據,供未來中藥和西藥在臨床使用上的參考依據。

Herb-drug interaction of bu-yang-huan-wu-tang on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of aspirin in rats

The proposed project is to evaluate the influence of bu-yang-huan-wu-tang on the pharmacokinetics of aspirin in rats. Aspirin is becoming a commonly prescribed pharmaceutical for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) due to its apparent anti-coagulant effect. Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang (BTHWT) is a common formula consisting of traditional tonifying (Astralagus menbranaceus) and blood activating stasis resolving (Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Ligustici chuanxiong, Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae, Radix Salvia miltiorrhizae, and Ginkgo biloba) herbs for TIA and ischemic stroke prevention since the Qing dynasty in China. There is potential risk of hemorrhagic complications if aspirin is used as an adjunctive treatment with BYHWT. Therefore the herb-drug interaction of BYHWT and aspirin can be investigated using a well established pharmacokinetic animal model. The two treatment groups of S-D rats are: A) aspirin (30 mg/kg) and B) aspirin (30 mg/kg) post 1 wk BYHWT. The degree of risk for internal hemorrhage can be more clearly understood by monitoring any change in aspirins pharmacokinetics after BYHWT treatment.
關鍵字:bu-yang-huan-wu-tang; pharmacokinetics; herb-drug interaction, aspirin, stroke