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CCMP96-RD-213 兩岸中醫文獻保存整理與老中醫學術傳承之經驗交流

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:96-01-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



The bicoastal experiential exchanges of preservation and reorganization of Chinese medicine literature , and academic inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine

Yang Shu-Ling
Chang Gung University
The situation, academic inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan, is the elder doctor dying and the younger losing the tradition. In order to exchange the experience of preserving old literature, and inheritaing Chinese medicine academy. Visting Fudan University, Shanghai Chinese medicine university, and Shanghai Chinese medicine literature hall, and exchanging opinions in conference let us realize the experience of inheritaing Chinese medicine academy. Visiting the library let us realize the experience of preserving and reorganizing Chinese medicine literature. This we will talk about the eventuality of future plan to exchange the books of both libraries. With this research combined with that research, Collections of the Scholarship of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are substantive promotion to the international expert standard of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
關鍵字:Chinese mdicine;literature;expert