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CCMP99-RD-003 南區中醫門診教學網絡計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15





Southern network program of outpatient services in traditional Chinese medical teaching

Sheng-Teng Huang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical Center
1.The aim of project
We would like to establish southern network of outpatient services in Chinese medical training in order to integrate Chinese medical teaching resources in the hospital of south Taiwan. Thus, in this project, it will offer and support some teaching hospitals, which are lack of some courses, and also can help to resolve the issue of a teacher qualified to teach some courses.

(1)To integrate the qualified teachers and their experts in teaching hospitals of South Taiwan.
(2)To help to set up teaching outpatient services in training hospitals that are lack of qualified teachers in some courses.
(3)To establish the assessment of teaching effect in outpatient services of teaching hospitals.
(4)To conduct and assess the teaching efficacy of outpatient services in teaching hospitals.

3.Anticipated results
This project aims to foster the Chinese medical doctors with full therapeutic ability, to promote the well development of Chinese medical institutes and provide the intact Chinese medical servise for our people. As the different teaching resourses and experts in different teaching hospitals. We would like to integrate the teaching resources effectively to benefit residents teaching training program.
關鍵字:training hospital、network program、Chinese medical services