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CCMP99-RD-001 建置南區中醫臨床技能教室計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15




Construction of Chinese medicine clinical skill classroom plan in Chi-Mei Medical Center

Chen, Tai-Yu
Chi-Mei Medical Center
The protocol is to constitute the year 2009 Chinese medicine clinical competency center in Chi-Mei Medical Center. During the attending doctor clinical teaching conferences, the job description concerning completing the training contents and operation guidelines is to: (1) design the center function and development localization; (2) obtain the center space; (3) project the center software and hardware; (4) to preliminarily purchase the center teaching models, posters, videotapes, and equipments; (5) contrive the diagnostic capability training for the four methods; (6) plan to simulate the etiological factor and pathogenesis analysis training; (7) forge the regular X-ray film reading training; (8) excogitate the common clinical equipment operation training; (9) formulate the center use notice and management measures. To constitute the center is: anticipantly to provide residents and interns with more efficient learning of clinical competence to amend their practice capability; for Chinese medicine doctor field practicing and screening.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine clinical skill classroom、Learning Passport