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CCMP100-RD-045 甘草與茶多酚併用之輻射保護功能評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Evaluation of radioprotection by combination of glycyrrhiza and tea polyphenols

Hsu HY
Due to physical actions, radiation induced oxidative damage as well as DNA damage in cellular structures result in deleterious effects in various tissues derived from bone marrow failure, gastro intestinal tract problems, ultimately lead to death. Protection of biological systems from radiation is of paramount importance during accidental and unavoidable exposures to radiation and development of novel and effective approaches to combat radiation damages using non-toxic radioprotectors is of considerable interest for defense, nuclear industries, radiation accidents, space travels,etc., besides the protection of normal tissues during radiotherapy of tumors. Recent years, many natural as well as synthetic compounds have been investigated for their efficacy to protect against irradiation damage. 

Glyzyrrhizic acid, a major bioactive triterpene glycoside of glyzyrrhiza, has many attributed pharmacological effects which anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antiviral activities are included, and is reported to possess radioprotective properties through its strong anti-oxidative activity. Tea polyphenols, the main components of the tea, exert a wide range of biochemical and pharmacological effects, most of which are considered to be due to the presence of a wide range of phytochemicals. EGCG is the most chemopreventive constituent and had been reported to exert radioprotective properties by its structural characteristics. 
The synergistic effects of glyzyrrhizic acid and tea polyphenols have been reported by combination with other bioactive compounds, respectively. To investigate the efficacy of glyzyrrhizic acid combined with EGCG as an agent to protect biological systems from radiation-induced damages, the present project aimed to evaluate the radioprotective effect of glyzyrrhizic acid and EGCG against irradiation-induced damage in cells and mice, and elucidate the underlying mechanisms.