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CCMP100-RD-044 建立中藥使用風險管理機制之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


關鍵字:中藥, 藥事照護,風險管理

Mechanism of risk management in traditional Chinese medicines

Hung-Yi Chen
China Medical University
With the growing popularity of Traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) in clinical uses, their safety and toxicity may be gradually concerned about. Those may cause toxicity, such as weight control pills, impotence drugs, and some small therapeutic index of TCM (for example: Aconitum genus, Aristolochia, etc.). Many adverse effects of TCM are reported, often because of errors caused by the use of TCM. Therefore, the TCM research and pharmacoepidemiology of active surveillance provide effective safety information. 
TCM have complex pharmacological ingredients, prescriptions coupled with different processing methods. Computerized clinical support system was gradually applied by medical professionals as the decision-making of prescriptions. This computerized clinical decision support system is available for the assessment of prescriptions by pharmacists , especially in regard to drug interactions, contraindications, and dose monitoring and adjustment. 
With the implementation of China Medical University Hospital related TCM best business experiences, we survey the hospital status of TCM dispensing in Taiwan. The TCM dispensing, counseling, management of high alert medicine, clinical pharmacy services are to be collated and analyzed the establishment of patient-centered institutionalized, standardized delivery service, provides drug information and to enhance patient medication safety. So clinical pharmacy care system of TCM will become more complete and safe. With the support of this grant, we hope to provide patients with safe and effective TCM pharmaceutical care model, and to reduce serious adverse reactions. 
Therefore, our study will focus on the outpatients outpatient pharmaceutical services and assessment of risk management at environmental safety and pharmacoepidemiology of TCM.
關鍵字:Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pharmaceutical Care,Risk Management