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CCMP100-RD-041 中藥法規之標準化與協合化研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Study on the Standardization and Harmonization of the Regulations of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yu, Chi-Min
Quality Improvement for Pharmaceutical Affairs Association, Taiwan
Chinese medicine is a cultural tradition of our country and it possesses high industrial value. Chinese medicine is used by Chinese population all over the world. Due to its combination with modern technology, fully integration between the laws and regulations of Taiwan and Mainland China is a must to break the barrier between the two markets. Based on articles of Taiwan Pharmaceutical Affairs Law related to Chinese medicine, this plan will compare it with the regulations of Mainland China and form a task force of consultation regarding regulations of TCM from different backgrounds including medical, pharmaceutical and legislation specialists. The task force will analysis and compare the management framework of Chinese medicine between Taiwan and Mainland China according to the spirit of ECFA, and make a recommendation based on "management system of inspection and registration" and "the product definition and management of supply of professional service". In order to investigate the trends in regulating Chinese medicine and the effects under the ECFA, this study plans to invite experts of Chinese medicine and legislation from Mainland China to a "Symposium on the Standardization and Harmonization of the Regulations of Traditional Chinese Medicine between Taiwan and Mainland China". In this project we will integrate the regulations of management of Chinese medicine of Taiwan to a standardized and harmonized framework. Further, appropriate regulations, guidelines and policy suggestions will be proposed, and the draft amendment clauses will be formulated to the government for policy making.
關鍵字:standardization、harmonization、Pharmaceutical Affairs Law、Traditional Chinese Medicine