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CCMP96-TP-203 中醫醫療照護現代化與醫工資源整合研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:96-06-15
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


有鑑於全球社會人口結構急遽改變,醫療、保健、防疫等健康問題,均為各國政府大力推動之政策。本研究主要目的在以中醫照護之現代化發展趨勢下,結合醫學工程之資源,以現代科學的方式,開創中醫醫療器材協助中醫診療之新機會,與資源整合之新模式。本研究擬以中醫醫療照護現代化、中醫診療之現代科學化、及創新新中醫醫療器材研發為三大研究目標,藉由國內生物醫學工程專家與中醫診療專家共同研討,並針對1) 專家訪談、2) 文獻資料彙整、3) 市調現況調查、4) 法規收集分析、5) 器材分類歸納、6) 診療數據評估、7) 創新產業分析等工作內容,遵循中醫學術的理論基礎與實務診療架構,期能在最有效的狀況下,規劃提出我國在中醫醫療照護現代化與醫學工程資源整合之最佳可行建議方案,以達到協助我國在醫療保健政策推展與產業發展機會方面貢獻機會。

A strategy study of Chinese medicine modernization based on integrating biomedical engineering technology

Lin, Kang-Ping
Chung Yuan Christian University
According to the global trend of the growing aging population, how to reduce the high cost of medication and health care in each country is one of the major consideration issues for planning policy. The purpose of this study is based on the positive developing situation of modern Chinese medicine which can play one of roles to take some effective responsibility on the prevention medicine for health care system when the system combines all the resources and technologies with biomedical engineering and its industry. There are three major topics which are modernization of Chinese medicine in health care, modernization of Chinese medicine in diagnosis, and development of medical instrumentations for Chinese medicine will involve in this study. This study will integrate the important information from biomedical engineering experts and Chinese medicine experts to provide the future development trend and suggestions for the above three major topics. Expert discussions and conferences, reference publications, current marketing investigation and analysis, current regulation analysis, classifications of current medical instrumentations, efficacy analysis of current diagnostic data, and industry opportunity analysis of innovative Chinese medical instrumentation, are the points that will be focused on all the study works.
關鍵字:Biomedical Engineering;Resource Integration;Chinese Medical Device;Chiese Medicine Modernization