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CCMP95-RD-009 耳穴貼壓對原發性失眠的療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-06-27
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本研究目的為分析探討耳穴貼壓對原發性失眠的療效。將原發性失眠患者60位,隨機分為兩組:耳穴按壓組與耳穴對照組,分別進行四週的治療,以多導睡眠圖檢查與心率變異分析觀測其睡眠狀態,並以腕動記錄儀,Pittsburgh睡眠問卷、睡眠日記、及SF-36同時評估生活與睡眠品質的改善情形,期能提供失眠患者,另一種非藥物療法的選擇。一、試驗設計1. 受試者︰60人2. 納入標準:睡眠障礙病人,年齡在18至65歲之間,依DSM-IV確診為原發性失眠患者(失眠至少持續一個月以上,而其失眠並非由其他的精神疾患、身體的疾病、藥物使用、或其他特定的睡眠疾患所引發的失眠),且PSQI指數>5分,三個月內除stilnox 或Ativan外,未曾服用安眠鎮靜劑者3. 排除標準︰(1)懷孕病人。(2)因外耳局部病變,無法施行耳穴貼敷者。(3)無法配合進行各項評估流程者。4. 分組方法︰單盲隨機分配成兩組︰耳穴貼壓組與耳穴貼敷組,分別治療四週。二、研究用藥及給藥方式︰耳神門穴(MA-TF1 Shenmen)、心穴(Xin MA)1. 耳穴貼壓組-將硬度與大小適中、表面平滑的耳壓材料(王不留行籽)用低過敏膠布固定貼敷在耳穴上並用食指以1000-1500克壓力壓迫,每日睡前2次,每次20-30秒。2. 耳穴貼敷組-用不包含耳壓材料的低過敏膠布貼敷在耳穴上並用食指輕觸,每日睡前2次,每次20-30秒。

Molecular markers used in detection of adulteration species of Taraxacum mongolicum in Taiwan

ning-hung chen
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
In Taiwan, 28% of people over 15 years of age suffer from insomnia, the highest rate in Asia. This study aims to observe the effect of ear acupressure on primary insomnia. Sixty primary insomnia patients will be randomized into 2 groups, an ear acupressure group and an ear acupressure control group. In the study lasting for 4 weeks, their sleep quality will be evaluated objectively by PSG and HRV. Both sleep and life quality will be assessed by Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) ?HHBBeck Depression Inventory second edition (BDI-II), Pittsburgh sleep quality index, sleep Diary, actigraphy and SF-36 questionnaires. Finally the improvement of patients will be determined. Thus we hope this study will offer patients another non-drug therapy option
關鍵字:primary insomnia;ear acupuncture;Chinese medicine