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CCMP100-RD-026 建構癌症中西醫療照護整合模式計畫書

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Construction of integrative Medicine Model in Treating Cancer Patients

Tai, Chen-Jei ,Jeng-Fong, Chiou,Tai, Cheng-Jeng,Li-Yin Chien, Chang, Yu-Jia, Gong-Yi, Lin
Taipei Medical University
In Taiwan, cancer has been the leading cause of death since 1982. The committee on Chinese medicine and pharmacy at Department of Health has work smartly and hardly on traditional medicine development for long time especially on the training and education framework of east and west medicine integration and cooperation. For now, the integrated cancer medication is more important issue. Cancer therapy emphasis on patient survival and efficacy; however, some study showed that over 90 percent of cancer patients seek complementary traditional medicine for themselves. Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH) successful make traditional medicine as one of the cancer treatment team to fulfill the tendency of national and international medical development. 
TMUH highly values the cancer service on cancer victims. Therefore, we have promoted and upgraded our cancer center to the level of cancer specialized hospital. In our hospital, the out-patient cancer treatment has been well organized and updated at the Department of Chinese Medicine. In this project, we will contribute and share our experience in cancer integration treatment on hospitalization, clinical pathway, evidence based traditional Chinese medicine, and continuing education system.
關鍵字:Cancer treatment , Integrative Medicine Model