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CCMP100-RD-022 樟芝發酵產物微波殺菌及微波凍乾製程研發

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-09
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Study of microwave sterilization and microwave freeze-dried of fermented Antrodia Camphorate

Su-Der Chen
National Ilan University
Antrodia camphorate is a traditional Taiwanese medicinal fungus. Wild Antrodia camphorate is very rare, precious and slow growth. Therefore, submerged fermentation and solid-state cultivation can quickly produce mycelium or fruiting body. There are many bio-active compounds such as polysaccharides and triterpenoids in Antrodia camphorate fermented products, and they have several bio-functions such as antioxidant activities, inhibition of hepatoma cells growth and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the high value of Antrodia camphorate liquid fermented products and fruiting body become the materials in this study for further down stream operations such as microwave sterilization and microwave freeze-drying. Microwave sterilization can overcome heat transfer resistance in the high temperature steam sterilization to accelerate the sterilization process and to reduce the possibility of of microbial and mycotoxin contamination. Microwave sterilization can establish the safe processing instead of γradiation sterilization. Moreover, microwave freeze-drying can avoid overheating bio-active components, because the polar ice can absorb microwave to vibrate and to produce heat for sublimation. The microwave freeze-drying only takes one or two hours to obtain dried products. Therefore microwave freeze-drying can save energy and replace one to two-days traditional freeze-drying in industry. The study of Antrodia camphorate fermented product by microwave sterilization and microwave vacuum freeze-drying can be applied the modern medicine processing to maintain better quality in order to improve operation technology in Chinese herb industry.
關鍵字:Antrodia camphorate, microwave sterilization, microwave freeze-drying