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CCMP95-RD-018 中醫脈診線上醫療資訊系統

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-02-27
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


資料庫 自古以來,把脈就已經是傳統中醫診療的一個重要部份。如果現今我們要將數千年中醫觀點推廣到西方醫學的話,把脈所得的脈象訊息就必需被合理適當的處理應用。中醫已經累積了極大量豐富腕脈象的經驗與知識,這是複雜又抽象的觀點。雖然和西方對脈動的觀點有相當大的變異,脈象的論述還需要予以客觀的廣泛觀察。 然而,許多人們並不完全認可傳統中醫的診斷,因為中醫的不夠量化與普及化。有鍵於此,整合科學儀器和網路科技當作傳統中醫診療成為一個現今潮流。這個計畫將規畫三年的工作時程完成: 第一年:為提升傳統中醫的應用,一中醫脈診線上醫療資訊系統將被設計,此系統將連接中醫脈診儀,受測者的脈象訊號可以透過通訊介面傳遞進來。系統中的資料庫將規畫儲存受測者資料與脈象訊號。 第二年:脈象波形處理的演算法和電腦函式將是本期的重點,有三個主要的程式需被發展撰寫,包括中醫脈象波型特徵值擷取函式、脈象訊號時/頻域分析函式和脈象特徵值分類演算法。 第三年:我們將評估定義出中醫二十八脈的特徵在這一年期的研究中,藉由前兩年所建立研究成果,我們將完成中醫二十八種脈象脈波特徵值擷取函式之撰寫,及中醫二十八種脈象脈波線上資料庫之建立與開放網路共享。

On-Line Medical Information System for Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnoses

Jin-Shan He
Southern Taiwan University of Technology
database Pulse-taking has been an important element of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis from the earliest times. Developments in pulse-taking have been reflected in changing use of pulse terms that has to be adequately dealt with in translation if the clinical significance of a body of literature spanning two millennia is to be preserved in the transmission of Chinese medical concepts to the modern West. Chinese medicine has accumulated a large and complex body of knowledge concerning the variations in the wrist pulse, which is reflected in a complex terminology marked by a considerable degree of uncertain definition and polysemy. Despite the considerable variety in the English translation of pulse terms, the pulse terminology and its English translation has not been the subject of a comprehensive investigation. However, some of people have not recognized traditional Chinese medical diagnosis because it is not enough quantifiable and widespread. There is a tendency towards integrated scientific instrument and internet technology with traditional Chinese medical diagnosis now. This project will be performed in three years: First year: To improve the application of traditional Chinese medical pulse diagnosis, an on-line medical information system (MIS) will be designed. The system connects to pulse diagnosis device, the pulse signals of the subject can be delivered through communications interface.
關鍵字:chinese medical diagnosis;internet;on-line medical information system