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CCMP95-RD-001 中醫舌診多媒體資料庫系統之研究與建置

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-03-27
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



A Multimedia Database for TCM Tongue Diagnosis

Hen-Hong Chang
Formosan Association of Clinical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine
The goal of this project is basis on study a multimedia database which have digital anamnesis of the Chinese medical tongue diagnosis of the united with the writing and image and the feasible appraisal of the clinical information system and proposing a set of software for the technology of the contraposition and the deformation of the image processing that is in appliance to the tongue diagnosis analysis of the static state and the movement, for in accordance to the demand of the medical treatment information of the Chinese medicine digitization, the promotion of the medical service quality, the medicine education as well as the clinical research. It is supposed to draw up the collection of the specific diseases of the tongue phenomenon that is connected with Zang-Fu (Syndrome differentiation according to the organs) and establish the quantification information database of the clinical tongue phenomenon. The method is to affiliate the clinical distinguishes tongue experience with the digital image processing technology in order to discuss the precision and the sensitivity of dialectical diagnosis for the TCM bodys organs. Moreover, it is to establish the displayed platform of the tongue diagnosis of the standardized static and movement that may provide the clinical teaching and the inspection mechanism of the Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis and helps the inheritance of the Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis experience.
關鍵字:TCM;Tongue Diagnosis;Image processing