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CCMP95-RD-003 應用服務品質缺口理論評估中醫服務品質

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-04-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



Applying Service Quality Gap Theory to Evaluate the Service Quality for Chinese Medicine

Wen-Chen Tsai
China Medical University
After National Health Insurance covered Chinese medicine outpatient in 1995, the utilization of Chinese medicine has increased rapidly. The number of outpatient from twenty-two million in 1995 increased to thirty four million in 2004. The claimed expenditure grew up to 16 billion in 2004 from 6.94 billion in 1995. Health care quality was the core of health care reform. People thought that health care quality was the most important foundation of health care. What is the expectancy and feeling of Chinese medicine service for people? How will we promote Chinese medicine quality and satisfy patients expectancy? Its a key issue for Chinese medicine development in the future. In recent years, there were many studies related to medical care service quality and satisfaction. Some studies emphasize the aspect of structure quality, which only reflects the capability or potential ability of the providers to provide better medical care quality but does not know the real service quality.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine;Quality gap;Health care quality;Importance-Performance analysis