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CCMP95-RD-020 台灣市售青草藥農藥殘留之調查研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-11-28
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


青草藥於民間時有誤用情況發生,因多無典籍記載,且青草藥店不列管,使得青草藥業者一直是醫藥管理上的一大隱憂。民眾使用青草來治療疾病,長久以來已是存在的事實。目前國內是以食品來管理,惟為確保治療疾病時,使用的安全性,宜進一步進行相關管理及檢測。本研究擬赴台灣各地青草藥店收集20家本產栽培之最常用之10種青草藥-九層塔(Ocimum basilicum Linn.)、黃水茄(Solanum incanum Linn.)、鈕仔茄(Solanum indicum Linn.)、狗尾草(Uraria crinita Desvaux.)、火炭母草(稱飯藤)(Polygonum chinensis Linn.)、含羞草(Mimosa pudica Linn.)、魚腥草(Houttuynia cordata Thunb.)、仙草(Mesona procumbens Hemsley)、白鳳菜(Gynura formosana Kitamura)、兔兒菜(Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai)等鮮品及乾品以氣相層析儀或高效液相層析儀進行農藥殘留檢測。並將實驗結果歸納分析,以提供中醫藥委員會對未來青草藥管理時之農殘限量標準值參考。

Studies on the Pesticide Residue of Herbs Sold in Green Herbal Stores in Taiwan

Yu-Ling Ho
Hungkung University
Green herbs had been used in Taiwan as folk medicine for a long time. Poisoning due to misuse had been reported occasionally. No many documented reference are available on the use of green herbs. Currently, the green herb stores were not regulated by the health authorities, however, if any poisoning cases were reported, the Health Bureau still be the target to be blamed by the general public. Many people still use green herbs to treat diseases. Therefore the safety of the green herbs, particularly the pesticides residue contents are of great concern of the general public This project will collect 10 most commonly used green herbs from 20 green herb stores around the island and analyze their pesticide residue content by gas chromatography, or high performance liquid chromatography. The herbs species collected include Ocimum basilicum Linn., Solanum incanum Linn. , Solanum indicum Linn., Uraria crinita Desvaux., Polygonum chinensis Linn., Mimosa pudica Linn., Houttuynia cordata Thunb., Mesona procumbens Hemsley), Gynura formosana Kitamura and Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai. The results will be provided to the Committee of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health as reference for establishing the limit of pesticide residue in green herbs.
關鍵字:Green herbs;Safety;Pesticide residue analysis