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CCMP95-RD-021 中藥多酚配醣體定量方法之建立

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-12-15
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


天然多酚配醣體廣泛存在於植物界,有關天然多酚的體內動力學真相,直到近幾年來才逐漸揭露,大多數研究顯示多酚配醣體攝食後,於腸道中必須受腸內酵素或腸道細菌水解成較低極性的非醣體,方能被腸細胞吸收。有關中藥材之品管,於目前各國藥典對藥材規定定量者不多,且只定量非醣體或單一配醣體者為多。近年來又興起以指紋圖譜作為定性管制之另一指標,然此亦難反映活性或療效之品質。在品管上若儘量能掌握各該具活性非醣體之總配醣體含量,則更貼近實際,可再提升中藥之品質。本計畫預計進行大黃、何首烏、虎杖、蘆薈、羊蹄及決明子等六種藥材。藥材經煮沸萃取後,再以酸或酶水解,分別測定水解前後非醣體。各藥材分析之非醣體成分,分別為大黃之aloe-emodin, rhein, emodin, chrysophanol, phsyscion。何首烏之emodin, physcion。虎杖之emodin, resveratrol。蘆薈之aloin, aloe-emodin。羊蹄之emodin, chrysophanol, emodin決明子之chrysophanol, physicon, aloe-emodin。依所測定之水解前與水解後非醣體含量,就兩者之莫耳數差,求出總配醣體含量。如此更可反映藥材活性或療效成分含量,建立之方法可供中藥材之品質管制之參考。

Establishment of Determination Method for Polyphenol Glycosides in Herbal Medicines

Wen, Kuo-Ching
China Medical University
Polyphenol glycosides are widely distributed in natural plants. In the recent years, the fates of polyphenol glycosides in vivo are gradually understood through pharmacokinetic studies. Most of researches indicated that polyphenol glycosides are hydrolyzed to lower polar aglycones by enzymes or bacteria in the intestine after oral ingestion and then become absorbable by the intestines cell.In the current status, there are limited items for the quality control of crude drugs, and in which only monoglycosides or aglycones are required to be assayed in pharmacopeias of many countries. Recently, chromatographic fingerprints are used as another index of quality control. However, those quality controls could be difficult to reflect the activity or the efficacy of Chinese herbs. It will be more reasonable if the total glycosides of active ingredients could be assayed. In this study, Rhei rhizoma, Polygoni multiflori radix, Polygoni cuspidati rhizoma, Aloe, Rumecis radix and Cassiae torae semen will be decocted.
關鍵字:Chinese herbs;Anthraquinone glycosides;HPLC