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CCMP95-RD-023 台灣市售五倍子之指紋圖分析與活性成分之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-01-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


五倍子是倍蚜蟲等寄生蟲寄生在寄主漆樹科植物鹽膚木(Rhus chinensis)的葉柄或嫩被等組織內,而逐漸腫大所變成的蟲癭。五倍子主治下痢,久咳,糖尿病,下血,便血,多汗等症。過去對中國產的五倍子屬植物僅有極少的植物成分分析報導。在九十一年度行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會委託研究計畫成果報告書中曾經進行了市售五倍子的品質調查、抗菌活性外、也曾進行缺乏確定成分探討之TLC以及HPLC分析。五倍子的某些成分(例如moronic acid)已被證實具有抗病毒活性。以活性物質作為標準品進行品質管制是未來很重要的課題。故本計畫將進行台灣市售五倍子指紋圖譜的建立藉此加強基原的了解及品質的管控。應用1H-NMR與HPLC兩種儀器進行兩階段的指紋圖譜的鑑定分析。依照分析結果對市售五倍子進行分類,並建立出標準的指紋圖鑑定分析程序。此外,我們將依據活性導引分離法針對台灣市售五倍子進行活性成分的分離與活性測試,希望從中獲得更大量的指標成分,進一步拓展五倍子的藥用資源。以期建立一個化學與生物活性皆有良好管控之之中藥材品管標準。

The Studies of Fingerprints and Bioactive Constitutes of Rhus chinensis in Taiwan

Fang-Rong Chang
Kaohsiung Medical University
Gallnuts were an excrescence of any form produced on the leafstalk by insects or their larvae, especially from the plant Rhus chinensis of Anacardiaceae family. Its used to treat diarrhea, cough, diabetes, bloody stool, and sweating. Even it was the folk medicine has been used before, but only less research majored in analysis. In 2002 year, the final report from a research program of "Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health" had processed on the quality check of gallnuts, antibacterial activity, and also analysis of TLC and HPLC without any quantitative and qualitative analysis related to pure constituents. Therefore, this proposal was try to build up the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods of active constituents and their fingerprints of gallnuts in Taiwans market by using modern 1H-NMR and HPLC techniques. Besides, bio-activity guided fractionation will be carried on in each fraction and compounds to find out diverse bioactivities of gallnuts. We will obtain pure and active marker components in a large amount, and try to develop new medicinal usages of gallnuts. Not only chemical but also biological properties will be established as a model in R&D of TCM.
關鍵字:Gallnuts;Rhus chinensis;HPLC fingerprints;quantitaitive and qualitative analysis