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CCMP95-RD-024 中藥材輻射滅菌量產研究及其產官學專家研討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-01-30
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本計畫係依照行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會九十五年度所列研究重點-中藥材包裝及貯存條件之規範(4-3)提出。中藥材之微生物生長將破壞其成份、降低療效、產生有害物質,造成醫療保健上的問題。在國人藥膳食補盛行的情況下,中藥材的品質管制更顯重要。本研究目的為建立中藥材之輻射滅菌處理技術,經由產官學之研討,訂定輻射劑量限量標準及確立中藥輻射滅菌量產之可行性。本計畫由國內用量及進口量較高之中藥材中,選取甘草、枸杞、人參、黃耆及當歸5種中藥材進行十次取樣,每批藥材取樣3重複後進行不同劑量照射,測定好氣性微生物數、酵母菌、黴菌及腸內菌數,由較大劑量間距測試,再依照射結果縮小劑量間距,以求得各藥材精確所需之照射劑量。並將中藥材分成三批實地至清大、核能研究所、中國生化照射廠照射,並比對微生物含量及成分分析之數據,建立各藥材完整之輻射滅菌資料庫,擬訂最適輻射滅菌劑量,使用的包材將依FDA, 21CFR179.45對於食品輻射照射之包裝材料規定。此期間藉由舉辦產、官、學專家會議,進行溝通協商取得共識,以期建立一中藥材輻射滅菌之運作流程。訂立輻射劑量限量標準、建立中藥材輻射滅菌量產之標準作業程序。本研究成果期使中藥材輻射滅菌法規化,並推廣中藥材源頭管制及促進中藥用藥安全,解決微生物污染之醫療保健問題,提高中藥之經濟效益。

Study of the Radiation Decontamination of Chinese Medicine Herbs and Set up the Limited Dose by Hold the Symposium to Invite People from Industry-Government-University

F. I. Chou
National Tsing Hua University
This project is based on the major research focuses (4-3): the standardization of package and storage of Chinese medicine herbs (CMHs) proposed by the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan. The microbial growth in Chinese medicine herbs (CMHs) can break down the nutrient components of CMHs, decrease the curative effect of CMHs, and even may produce toxic components, such as mycotoxin. All these evens can cause potential problems in medical treatment and health care. Because the ingestion of CMHs have become a popular way to improve health in Taiwan, the quality control of CMHs is urgently needed.The aims of this research are to set up the optimal system for microbial decontamination of CMHs with the use of gamma irradiation, to standardize the optimal irradiation doses, and to investigate the feasibility of irradiation for CMHs in large scale. In this study, five different kinds of CMHs including of Lycium fruit?HHB Radix Glycyrrhizae?HHB Chinese Angelica?HHB Radix Ginseng and Radix Astragali will be selected based on their higher amounts of usage in Taiwan and in the import quantity.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine herbs CMHs);microbial contamination;microbial decontamination