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CCMP95-RD-025 台灣中草藥基因體基原鑑定及中英文基因體資料庫之建立

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-02-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


台灣市售中草藥材品種繁多而複雜,為確保藥材基原,中藥品管制度的鑑定標準是首要之工作,主要是將中藥材之規格包括基原、性狀及化學規格予以規範,隨著後基因體時代的來臨,利用基因體定序資料庫來鑑識與管理中草藥材,已成為鑑別標準化的趨勢。隨著分子生物學技術的發展,研究人員開始應用基因體(genome)生物多態性原則,以各種不同的基因體指紋鑑定方法來檢測屬(genus)、種(species)、變種(variety)、亞種(subspecies)甚至於特殊品系、分離株(strain, clone)之間的關係,近年來專利物種的最終鑑定方式乃是採用結合核醣體內轉錄間隔區(ribosomal RNA gene internal transcribed spacer, ITS)與內轉錄間隔區(intergenic spacers, IGS)作為專利植物鑑別的依據之一。我們整理了發表於Genbank中的資料發現,現行台灣傳統藥典中所載錄的藥材中,可搜尋到ITS的序列資料僅約32%,配合台灣傳統藥典的資料與其逐年更新的藥材庫,建立並確立基因體的資料庫是刻不容緩的工作。在第一年主要工作為定序易混用、誤用且未完成Genbank登錄者之中草藥基因體(約47種),並定序市售使用量較大之中草藥,並建置『台灣中草藥基因體資訊網』。往後兩年除維護資訊網之完整性,並逐年完成台灣傳統藥典中所載錄之中草藥基因體ITS鑑別序列分析,以建構完整之資料庫。

Traditional Chinese Medicine genomic identification and construct the bioinformatic database in Taiwan

Hsieh, Chang-Chi
China Medical University
The marketing and folk pharmaceutical medicines are very complicate in Taiwan. To assume the original of these pharmaceutical medicines, the quality control and identification standard will be the most important issue. They include the plant origin and chemical ingredients. But most important is to identify the genomic profiles of these pharmaceutical medicines in the post-genomic era. The researchers used genomic polymorphism to identify the plant in genus, species, variety even in strain and clone. In the recent years, the pattern plant was according to the ribosomal RNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and intergenic spacers (IGS) to be one of the identification profiles. In our studies, there are only 32% of ITS profiles be publish to Genbank in the "Taiwan traditional medicine". It will be the first priority to complete the database of this genomic information for public healthy. In first year, we will identify the confused and mistake and the most popular pharmaceutical medicines in market, and construct the web page of the genomic database. In second and third year, the complete of these genomic profiles will be the major issue in the genomic database.
關鍵字:olk medicine;genetic identification;genomic database;internal transcribed spacer