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CCMP95-RD-036 中醫藥研究成果評析暨編輯出版計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-05-04
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



The research results evaluation and analysis of traditional Chinese medicine and plan of editting and publishing

Jing-Sheng Jiou
In the world half people dependent on traditional medical treatment of medical science, and the attitude to traditional medical science is opened gradually in recent years in America and Europe, in view of this, WTO , FDA and European Union announce to traditional medical science and relevant bill and measure of Chinese herbal medicine successively . Executive organ and economic department propose promoting the scheme multiply, and traditional Chinese medicine committees were tenable to focus on 1 of focal points of work so far since 1995, is it construct traditional Chinese medicine use medicine safe 2 environment to build, commenting 3 jobs of the ancient bronze mirror of Traditional Chinese hospital, the high-quality traditional Chinese medicine industry that innovative takes 4, promote traditional Chinese medicine scientific and technological research and e manage and serve 5 , promote traditional Chinese medicine international 6 diplomacy , implement ISO international quality authentication spirit, implement these items of GMP at work in an all-round way, push traditional Chinese medicine to the new era of era of knowledge-driven economy of 21st century too, through count from 1996 to 2005, trust and plan 668 items.
關鍵字:Chinese Medicine