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CCMP94-RD-112 中醫皮膚科臨床治療共識手冊之編寫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-02-14
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


本計劃之主要目的在編纂「中醫皮膚科臨床治療共識手冊」,以提高中醫皮膚科醫療水準,並有助於中央健康保險局對中醫皮膚科醫療審查作業及配合中醫內診總額支付制度之健保費用申請有共同規範之參考,以確保中醫皮膚科醫療品質。本手冊之編寫及實施方式,主要參考歷代中醫古典典籍、文獻,以吸取前人醫療經驗;並參酌大陸及台灣高等中醫院校教材,各種中醫藥期刊、海峽兩岸之臨床經驗叢書,及各項臨床研究報告等將臨床上常見之皮膚科病症,參照西醫皮膚科聖經Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine71及Dermatology72,並對應西醫病名(ICD-9-CM)73將其分類,根據實證醫學之精神,加以有系統整理分析,最後經由各位中醫藥專家學者開會,研討,咨詢及審定後再進行“中醫皮膚科臨床治療共識手冊”之編寫。而編寫方式是仿照“Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology70”之模式建立,但以保持中醫皮膚科臨床治療及學術研究之特色為原則。本計畫於93年度召開第一次編輯會議,並根據會議決議完成大部份資料之蒐集,並完成一半之目錄編次。本年度(94年度)預計完成“中醫皮膚科臨床治療共識手冊”之編寫。本手冊強調實証醫學及提高臨床療效為中心。希望籍由此手冊之訂定,作為中醫皮膚科醫療品質之指引,以供同道參考並有助於後進學習。

Clinical Consensus Manual of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatological Therapeutics

Sheng-Teng Huang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital ,Kaohsiung
Since the global budget of traditional Chinese medicine for the health maintenance of the entire people has begun 4 years ago, it is necessary to draw up a clinical common consensus-therapy manual of Chinese dermatological medicine to give effective guarantee of quality of medicine and cooperate with the payment system for the outpatient services.We write systematically a clinical manual of Chinese dermatological medicine for the physician of traditional Chinese medicine from various sources. First of all we consult different classical bibliography for experiences of predecessors. Secondly, we compare the ideas that pervaded all these periodicals and books of Taiwan with mainland. Finally, we should seek advice from professional of traditional Chinese dermatological medicine and deliberate with them about what should be done to solve the problem. Shortly after then, we would compile after the model of the clinical manual of modern dermatological medicine.In 2003, the first editors meeting was performed. We decided the topics of this clinical manual and also collected most available data. In 2004, we hope to complete the manual.
關鍵字:consensus manual;clinical therapeutics;traditional Chinese dermatology