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CCMP94-RD-001 中醫鼓勵結合現代科技加強醫療服務教育訓練計劃

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-12-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


近年來補充與替代療法(CAM)受到世界衛生組織的重視,各國開始廣泛的研究與整理自己的傳統醫藥學術,台灣中醫學界亦積極致力於傳統中醫之現代化、科學化與國際化,而其首要之務,當在促進中醫診斷之學術研究,規畫中醫臨床診斷標準作業程序,推展中醫診斷之教學訓練。 中醫診斷以望、聞、問、切四診為診斷方法及辨證論治之準則,如能結合現代科技,加強醫療服務,研發醫療儀器,發展完整診斷病歷紀錄,以便詳細觀察及診斷病患病情,探究病與證之特性,更能對證下藥,提昇醫療品質,同時也有助於療效評估與邁向「實證醫學」之境界。 本案將以中醫舌診與脈診為主,結合現代科技,提昇中醫醫療品質教育訓練為規劃重點,課程內容納入基礎中醫理論與臨床診斷實務,並使用診斷輔助儀器以加強醫療服務,藉研討會之舉辦,匯集中醫診斷學者專家共同參與,加強中醫診斷之實證基礎,建構標準化作業流程,以提昇中醫師診斷現代化作業及相關學術交流,舌診、脈診之課程將分開辦理,各以一天之時數為原則。

Training Proposal for Improved Medical Service with Modern Technology in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hen-Hong Chang
Formosan Association of Clinical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Complementary and Alternative Medicine has gained much attention from WHO in the past few years. Like many school of thoughts in traditional medicine of other cultures, members of TCM in Taiwan work to achieve modernization of Chinese medicine through encouragement of academic research and standardization of diagnostic procedures, both for clinical and educational purposes. TCM relies on inspection, listening examination, history taking and palpation as the four basic tools of clinical diagnosis. Our hope is to integrate modern scientific technologies with diagnostic procedures in order to improved treatment precision and quality, and pull the path of development in TCM closer to the spirit of evidence based medicine. Our proposal is to conduct a series of seminars designed under the spirit of modernization in tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis. We plan to invite experts in these fields to our seminars, in hope that issues relating to modernization of TCM can be further discussed and understood through interaction of participants. The seminars on tongue diagnosis and pulse 
diagnosis will be conducted separately (one day each).
關鍵字:Modernization of TCM;Educate Train;Clinical Diagnosis