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CCMP94-RD-013 台灣特有女貞屬植物之資源開發與藥效探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-05-13
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


女貞子為木犀科植物女貞(L. lucidum Ait.)之成熟果實,已廣為中醫師所運用;根據現代研究指出女貞子具多重藥理活性,包括抗氧化、抗衰老、抗炎、抗腫瘤、降血脂、降血糖、保肝、防止血栓及動脈硬化等作用。因此日本及香港等於近年均從其同屬他種植物進行研究開發,並發現如日本女貞(L. liukuiense Kodiz.)、淡紫女貞(L. purpurascens)及粗壯女貞(L. robustum)等具有相似且高效價之藥理活性。而按台灣植物誌收錄,台灣女貞屬植物有4種,分別為玉山女貞(L. morroisonense Kanehira & Sasaki)、阿里山女貞(L. picei Hayata)、小實女貞(L. sinense Lour.)、日本女貞(L. liukuiense Kodiz.)。其中前 1 種為本土特有種,且未有相關成分藥理之文獻報告。因此,擬採集台灣特有女貞屬植物,並與女貞子進行成分(熊果酸、齊墩果酸、紅景天苷元、黃酮類)含量及藥理活性(抗氧化、抗炎、保肝)之比較,期能對台灣本土特有植物之開發有所貢獻。

Resource development and pharmacodynamic research of Taiwan Ligustrum plants

Chi-Rei Wu
Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, China Medical University
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus, mature fruits of L. luidum, possess many pharmacological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, hypolipidemic, hypoglycermic and hepatoprotective effects. Some researchers found other Ligustrum plants including L. liukuiense, L. purpurascens and L. robustum also possessed similar pharmacological activities. According to Flora of Taiwan, there are four species of Ligustrum plants in Taiwan: L. morroisonense, L. picei, L. sinense and L. liukuiense, the former is native. So, this plan will determine some constituents of these above Ligustrum plants by HPLC-DAD, and also evaluate the pharmacological activities of these above Ligustrum plants.
關鍵字:Ligustrum plants