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CCMP94-RD-022 黃芩有效成分對脂多醣體所誘發之急性腎絲球腎炎動物模式

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-02-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


敗血症(sepsis) 是臨床上常見的是一種急病,而敗血症所併發的急性腎炎甚至造成腎衰竭其死亡率更可高達 60-70 %,然目前為止針對此類腎疾病尚沒有一很理想的治療藥物,是醫學界急待克服的問題。黃芩 (Huang Qui) 具有很強的抑菌作用,在中醫應用上常用於治療急性感染性疾病。近年對黃芩有效成分如baicalein 及baicalin有很多文獻報告,發現可對脂多醣 (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) 所活化的一氧化氮合成酵素(inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS)及環氧化酵素-2 (cyclooxygenase-2, COX-2)表現及發炎性細胞激素(cytokine)、自由基等的生成有明顯抑制,對carrageenan 所誘發的發炎性疼痛也有顯著改善效果,然至目前為止,baicalein 及baicalin 是否對LPS所引發的急性腎炎有療效,尚無文獻報告。因此本計畫的目的即是利用LPS所誘發的急性腎炎老鼠模式,研究黃芩中有效成分(baicalein 及baicalin) 或黃芩萃取物對腎功能、腎組織的病理變化及動物存活率等的影響,以評估其療效,並進一步探討其可能作用機轉,尤其針對iNOS、COX-2、自由基及cytokine等路徑的影響作深入研究,希望從此系列實驗中,能對這固有中藥黃芩的臨床應用提供有價值的學術證據。

A study of therapeutic effect of Huang Qui in animal model of lipopolysaccaride induced acute glomerulonephrities

Chou TC
National Defense Medical Center
Sepsis, a systemic response to serious infection, is a critical disease with high mortality. In addition, acute nephropathy and renal failure is frequent complication to the sepsis with the mortality as high as 60-80%. However, there is no consensus on the appropriate treatment of sepsis-related acute nephropathy. It has reported that Huang Qui, a Chinese herb, possesses potent antimicrobial effect and is often used in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases. Recently, many studies have demonstrated that baicalein and baicalin, isolated from Huang Qui, significantly inhibit the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression as well as pro-inflammatory cytokines and free radicals formation. Furthermore, baicalin also attenuated the carrageenan-evoked inflammatory pain. These results may suggest that baicalein and baicalin are potential drugs for treatment of LPS-related diseases. However, whether baicalein or baicalin has therapeutic effect on the LPS-induced acute nephropathy is still unknown. Therefore, in the present study we will investigate the effect of baicalein and baicalin and the extracts of Huang Qui on the renal function, pathology of renal and the survival rate in the LPS-induced acute glomerulonephritis mice model.
關鍵字:Huang Qui;sepsis;acute glomerulonephrites;nitric oxide